Water Freezing - no electricity to coop- any ideas?

I went through all 14 pages with my computer slow loading each page to see if anyone suggested using active compost and someone did on the very last page. That is what I would do. You may need a different water container but bury it in Straw and manure and use the heat of the compost to keep it from freezing. It wouldn't work with my hanging waterer but its not like you have to use a hanging type of waterer full time you can have a back up buried in a deep litter bedding system, you can keep it empty and covered when its not needed. Don't know if it will work its just a theory I have.
We use a cinder block, put the extension light(it has a cage around it) up under and in the block, then set the waterer on top of the block, it works great, never freezes and we get low teen temps. I now have ducks and need to find something to keep their pool from freezing that doesn't need a GFI.... any ideas, maybe a trough heater?????

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