Water management and Strategies for water conservation

Here is our aquaponics set up. It's over top of an underground hot tub. It can hold up to 800 gallons of water below. The tubs that you see each have a bell siphon and drain below to the hot tub and fish. It aerates the water as it drips. We will be planting the bins/grow bins this weekend.

One more picture.
Here is our aquaponics set up. It's over top of an underground hot tub. It can hold up to 800 gallons of water below. The tubs that you see each have a bell siphon and drain below to the hot tub and fish. It aerates the water as it drips. We will be planting the bins/grow bins this weekend.
One more picture.
Do you have a single pump that handles them all? I love your design.... How do you get to the middle and far tubs?

Hey guys My computer is on its last legs. It took me over an hour this morning to boot up. Once its going and as long as I dont switch screens too often things work ok...

but I may have to take it in to the shop for some serious debug time and get it up and running for at least another six months... IF not I will have to off load important info and get it transferred to a new computer. IF that happens I will go off line for a couple of weeks, So I will be doing some serious backing up here as well.

Computer has come end of life.... at least eight years old. Wayy beyond its expiration date for sure.

I hate computer problems. 8 years is a great machine. I haven't ever had mine last past 5.

I do have a hefty pump that feeds all those spigots. It can pump 4000 gph. It's awesome.
All Four sides come off easily. They are attached with bolts that have wing nuts. It takes a minute to remove a side. The center 4 are hard and we've thought maybe we won't plant them. Not sure yet.
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Here is our aquaponics set up. It's over top of an underground hot tub. It can hold up to 800 gallons of water below. The tubs that you see each have a bell siphon and drain below to the hot tub and fish. It aerates the water as it drips. We will be planting the bins/grow bins this weekend.
One more picture.

That is an amazing feat of plumbing niqueie! I can just imagine the symphony of those bell siphons going off. It must be mesmerizing.
The wife and I closed on our house and land yesterday afternoon. Should be able to move in in a month. Since the house is new (modular) and should have no issues upon move in I want to crawl underneath it and swap some plumbing around. I'd like to run the drains from the sinks and showers/tub to a holding tank and then plumb that tank into the "fill" pipe for the toilets. I think it's just stupid to use potable water (that I've paid for!) to flush a toilet when we can just reuse the grey water.

I do have some problems though.

1) I have NO IDEA how to do plumbing.
2) I don't know how to make the water go from the holding tank to the toilets. (pump?)
3) I don't know if the holding tank will be icky or smell strange. <--- That will be a game stopper for my wife, no nasty smells!
4) I don't know if something like this is legal or even who to ask.
5) Are there any health risks involved?

This project will be step one to us being closer to getting off the grid and saving money on the water bill until I can get a well punched.

Thank you for your time.

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