Waterer frustration!!

It looks like the general consensus is that the nipple water system is far better. I have to fill 6 water dishes every morning and am getting rather tired of it. I think this is a project I need to do.
It looks like the general consensus is that the nipple water system is far better. I have to fill 6 water dishes every morning and am getting rather tired of it. I think this is a project I need to do.

Trust me, you won't regret it! You can get free buckets (get them with lids) from your local grocery bakery or deli department.

There are vertical nipples and horizontal nipples. Vertical attach to the underside of the bucket. Horizontal attach to the side of the bucket. My experience with both is the Horizontal nipples are far superior, albeit slightly more expensive. Get them on ebay or amazon.



Here is my bucket setup for winter (during summer, just remove the electric de-icer):

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I think I will like the horizontal better from an installation aspect too.
I do not mind the costing more part I really need the reliable part.
Thanks for the pics. I am looking forward to getting a couple buckets made in a couple weeks to give it a go.
I think I will like the horizontal better from an installation aspect too.
I do not mind the costing more part I really need the reliable part.
Thanks for the pics. I am looking forward to getting a couple buckets made in a couple weeks to give it a go.

The horizontal are easier to install. Drill a 3/8" hole (about 1.5" up from the bottom edge of the bucket) and hand tighten the nipple into the hole. Just snug, not too tight or it could leak. No teflon tape necessary.

The horizontal don't dribble as much as the vertical (dribble during active chicken use, neither should leak when not used) and also (my main reason for switch to the horizontals) do not freeze up as easily during winter. "As easily" meaning I haven't had the issue yet (down to -9F), though one person has had it happen at -17F, whereas others haven't had the issue at -20F. Not sure what happened there, but perhaps you don't have that kind of cold where you are.

Here's a good long thread comparing the two if you're inclined to read more:
We get down to -20 at times and when we do it stays for a week then comes up a bit then dives again. I do have power in the coop so could if needed do a submersible heater. (used to have cattle so understand the fire hazard etc.)
If you read through that thread I linked to, you'll read about my experience of a near fire using a submersible fish tank heater (a common device used by BYC members). I now only use a farm-grade submersible de-icer, which shuts itself off in the lack of water and turns itself back on when water is present. Seems better made for such a purpose. In such a case, also placing your horizontal nipples a bit higher in the bucket (say 3-4" above the bottom edge instead of 1.5"), the nipples will stay a bit warmer with such a de-icer device and less likely to freeze up. Probably something you will want to test out the first few -20F cold snaps you get to make sure your set-up is working as hoped for.
That is what I was thinking. I liked the one we had for the cattle tank and think I would go with the same kind but smaller for the bucket. They make sinking and floating in the brand I had. For the sinking I will have to look into if there is a cage to keep it off the bottom a bit. Don't need a flood in the coop from a meltdown. If there is not a cage available I think a couple good bricks would work.

I am reading the 40 pages you linked to in another window and finding it informative thank you.
I was worried they would not learn to use them but see others have gotten theirs to use them. Makes me more comfortable about it.
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i have a large plastic one and it leaks all over the place what I'm i doing wrong? my chick we in 3 inches of water I put the black cap on fill it up put the large cap on loosen the little black cap, should stop when the water is to the right level?

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