Watering for winter

Ok yea I was figuring we'd have to snowblower for them. Thank you for your input. Where are u from? I'm in Northern wi
I know WI gets hammered with winter weather for sure, it can be some bitter there! I live in central Maine, so we spend about half of the year dealing with winter too.
What’s your general location? What is a “cold winter” there?

do you have anyway to have electric in the coop or run?

is the run covered at all? How much snow in the winter?

what is coop like? Size, height?

these answers will help give you a variety of suggestions from people in your same or similar climate/winter conditions.

we have electric in our coop. We use a heater base that is made for the double wall galvanized waterer we have. The water stays in the coop in winter. In warm non-freezing temps, water is in the run in the shade. We normally only provide feed in the run, however in especially cold weather (below zero), we do provide feed in the coop bc they generate heat through eating and they only eat with light, so we try to maximize their ability to eat for warmth During the coldest days.
We have no electricity in the coop yet. I'm hoping my husband can run something out there. I worry about the cold winters here.
I have their water in a covered pitcher with a horizontal waterer. It's in the coop part. I also keep one in the run for them

Their coop is small. About 5ft by 10ft. And the run is fairly big. I only have 3 hens. We plan on enclosing the coop for winter.
If you have electricity in coop/run or can run a cord out, there's many different heated waterer options, from heated bowls to heated waterer units. Depending on what you currently use as a waterer, you might be able to rig it up for a heater or de-icer. How cold does it get where you're at?
If you have electricity in coop/run or can run a cord out, there's many different heated waterer options, from heated bowls to heated waterer units. Depending on what you currently use as a waterer, you might be able to rig it up for a heater or de-icer. How cold does it get where you're at?
It get 20 to 40 below here in the winter sometimes.
Definitely cold! You'll definitely want to run electricity out there, because the alternative is to carry water our multiple times a day, or start digging holes for manure...
If we put the heating element in the water. Will the little drinking spout still work?
We are gonna be winterizing the coop soon too. Any ideas?
If we put the heating element in the water. Will the little drinking spout still work?
We are gonna be winterizing the coop soon too. Any ideas?

I have no experience with nipple waterers down at those kind of temperatures. My guess is they'll freeze.

An open bowl, like a heated dog bowl, might be the best option here. Hope someone with more experience in extreme cold climates can pipe in with what works for them.
I find that heated waterer is quite expensive. My waterer is like a pail with 3 nipples. So what my husband did is bought an aquarium heater, run a cord and put the heater inside the waterer. The water is never frozen even below zero degrees.

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