Watermelon - at what point...


8 Years
May 23, 2011
South Western WI
can I give my chicks watermelon rinds? I have one that I am planning to cut up this weekend. My chicks are 4 and 3 weeks old. I purchased some grit the other day - is this all they need in order to digest it and is it okay to give it to them at the ages they are at?
Go for it! I feed the grit first, just my comfort level, and a few hours later yummy melon or whatever I have that is not too fibrous. I'm just not comfortable yet giving whole grains to the babies. There are plenty of things that I do give, like melon. ENJOY THE FEAST!
so at what age can you start giving them treats.. mine are coming close to 1 week and I would like to give them something to keep them occupied, when can I start? and with what? right now they get medicated chick starter... thanks
On these hot days I just cut a watermelon in half and put one half on the ground in their run and get out of the way. Within an hour or two it has been eaten right down to a fraction of an inch of rind.
start them on small things, cut it all up, mine adore grapes, just chop them up a bit, shreds of lettuce, just don't make it long...grass clippings, again, short pieces...oatmeal, if you want to give them treats now, you can always just moisten their starter with water...mine love that, that is a treat to them, even at 9 weeks!

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