Watermelon giving them watery droppings?


Mar 3, 2015
First off, DON"T wear sandals to the barnyard carrying a watermelon! Anyways, just curious if anybody's chickens have had watery droppings from watermelon? I cut one open today and gave one half to my chickens (24-14 week olds and two old biddies 3 years old) it was demolished in a few hours. I noticed some watery droppings this evening and was a little worried.
I have had that happen so I would not worry to much about it. If it does not firm back up in a couple days like maybe 2 days after the watermelon then I would be concerned.
I haven’t fed watermelon but what they eat can affect them. Just like they will do for you and me, eating a significant amount of fruits or some veggies can loosen them up. I feed them cooked beet skins when I can a bunch of beets. Not only does that change the consistency to more liquid, it colors the poop bright red. When I first saw that I thought they were pooping blood until I remembered the beet skins.

Keep an eye on them but it is almost certainly a temporary thing. Nothing to worry about.
I have had that happen so I would not worry to much about it. If it does not firm back up in a couple days like maybe 2 days after the watermelon then I would be concerned.

Their dropping still look a little watery this morning, but not as bad as yesterday. I'm relieved
When I first saw that I thought they were pooping blood until I remembered the beet skins.
Yep, that would have freaked me out! I'm still going to give them watermelon occasionally, but will definitely cut back on the amount. They just went gaga over it
I think you got it with the cutting down on the amount. Everything in moderation with these eating piggies. Man if it is a treat they will gorge themselves on it.

I had been giving like 1/4 cup per hen of scratch but have cut that way way back to a total of 4 cups for 45 hens. They are eating much more of the layer feed this way. Mine absolutely love watermelon and cabbage so I really watch how much I am willing to let them have at any given time. I also space things out so they are not getting a treat like this but maybe once a week.

Glad they are doing better this morning.

I think you got it with the cutting down on the amount. Everything in moderation with these eating piggies. Man if it is a treat they will gorge themselves on it.

I had been giving like 1/4 cup per hen of scratch but have cut that way way back to a total of 4 cups for 45 hens. They are eating much more of the layer feed this way. Mine absolutely love watermelon and cabbage so I really watch how much I am willing to let them have at any given time. I also space things out so they are not getting a treat like this but maybe once a week.

Glad they are doing better this morning.


"Everything in moderation", Isn't that true with everything in life LOL, well, except chocolate cake for me
Oh, cabbage! Yes, I forgot about that! I used to give it to my older hens and they loved it! Have to get a head next trip to the farmers market. Good idea about once a week. It's just so hard not giving in to all my animals, they just all love when I bring them something
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LOL I am sure my dog would love the whole cookie jar but alas he is limited on what I allow. The box says for a dog his size I can give 20 cookies a day. UM NO. That would surely cause me to have to scrub the floors a lot more. Poor puppy has no thumbs and the cookie jar has a screw on lid. (Thank goodness for that)
LOL I am sure my dog would love the whole cookie jar but alas he is limited on what I allow. The box says for a dog his size I can give 20 cookies a day. UM NO. That would surely cause me to have to scrub the floors a lot more. Poor puppy has no thumbs and the cookie jar has a screw on lid. (Thank goodness for that)
Lol! Yes, thank goodness none of my animals have opposable thumbs!

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