Ways for chickens to stay warm??


7 Years
Jul 1, 2012
East Coast
It's starting to get chilly outside! Inconvienently i have only two chickens, so there's not much body warmth! I do put straw in their sleeping area to keep them warmer, any other ideas??
Thanks! Please reply, even if its not a very good one, it means a lot!
Do you have electricity to your coop or extension cord. Put a 150w brood lamp in set on a timer. Even with just two birds they should be fine unless it gets around freezing or colder. Protection from wind is a must.
As long as their dry and out of drafts they will be fine,assuming their fully feathered. Chickens come with a built in down coat and most do better in the cold than in the heat. Just make sure their coop is dry and well ventilated. They need the ventilation even in the middle of winter to prevent humidity.
I live in Ky so our winters may be milder than yours but my chickens don't seem to mind single digit temps except for the poor foraging. Just give them a coop that's dry and draft free and they will be fine. No heat needed.

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