Wazine follow-up?


12 Years
Nov 20, 2007
I'm going to treat my "flock" (if you can call it that with 4 chickens) with Wazine today. It will be my first time worming. I have a girl I'm pretty sure is infested. I know you're supposed to do a follow-up when using Wazine. Can someone tell me when that follow-up needs to happen, and with what? Any chance I could simply follow-up with garlic or DE, or does the follow-up need to be a chemical treatment?
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(Sorry, I know that's BYC taboo, but I really need to know how to proceed with this worming procedure, and there's just no way to make worming questions sexy enough to attract attention!
Thanks. I forgot BYC has a better search function than the "Google search" at the top of the page. It sounds like the popular follow-up is Ivermectin. (not sure if I spelled that right) I guess pour on or paste is both okay. I suppose I'll go with that after 14 days. I know I need to toss out any eggs for the 14 days after Wazine treatment. How long do I toss out the eggs after the ivermectin treatment?
After I treat with WAZINE I wait 8-days & treat with ZIMECTRIN GOLD. Use a pea size drop on a small peice of wheat bread for each Big Stock & a BB size drop for Bantys. You don't have to use the WAZINE anymore after the first time, just worm with the wormer of your choice. I worm once in the Fall & once in the Spring.Hope this helps.
Thank you so much! Is there also a 14 day "throw away the eggs" period after the second wormer? (in your case, zimectrin)
I just throw them away for 7-days & have never gotten sick nor has any of my family nor have we saw any worms or anything else in the eggs after 7-days.
My question about discarding the eggs, is why? I might not eat them, for two weeks, but if the poison wasn't strong enough to kill the chicken, what would be the problem with feeding them to my dog, or back to the chickens? I'd hate to see 14 days worth of eggs go to waste.

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