We did it together!!! WARNING GRAPHIC PICS!!!

Hooligan Farm

9 Years
Oct 24, 2010
Burlington County, NJ
Its my weekend with my kids and my son wanted to process a duck. It just happened that someone close by had some for sale and we went got 2 (I didn't want to do mine just yet). It was my sons first time and my second. I gave him a chance to back out but he manned up and did it. The only thing I did was gut his and he pretty much plucked both.



Congrats and good job. I think it's great to get kids involved in this process. It makes them realize where the food they eat comes from. I have a niece who thinks meat just magically appears in the grocery store - not kidding.


If you are planning more ducks - may I recommend wax - the paraffin wax that is found in the canning section. We use two boxes for the first bird and then a box per bird after that. Pull the long feathers off the bird, so the wax can get to the smaller feathers, dip duck, let cool, then peel like a bannana
I laugh when everyone says to me why don't you just buy it at the store. My son gets real involved while my daughter stays a arm length away but she looks through the books I have on processing. So she understands.
When we did our first batch of meaties, my youngest son 5 at the time grabbed his lawn chair sat down to watch and said "huh so this is how they make chicken!" What a hoot. Congrats and good job.
I had a lady at the fair last year yell at me and start crying after she asked what we do with the birds (chickens and turkeys) and rabbits once the fair is over. She told me that we should just buy our meat in the grocery store and not hurt any animals. I asked her exactly where she thought the grocery store got their meat from and she said they make meat in factories. Some people just don't have a clue....

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