we did it! we did it!


11 Years
Jun 24, 2008
West Virginia
I had been dreading butchering our roosters for a long time, so today we finally did it. It was not as bad as I thought it would be and I'm so proud of myself and my husband!! We didn't take pics, we had our hands full! I'm glad it's over!!!
Well done!
Congrats! We have about 5 more weeks to go here. I was kinda dreading it also, but between the advice on this board and the volunteered help of some friends I am confident.

Again, congrats on your success!
Thanks friends! We used a "killing cone" (I hate that term) and it was fast and easy. We mounted a bucket underneath it, and I was surprised at how little blood we got from 7 roosters. It was very fascinating looking at the "inside parts" and my 11 yr.old daughter thought it was cool. We dunked the birds in 150 degree water a couple times, and the feathers came out "like butta"!! The only mistake we made, well, a couple actually:

1. We had a hard time separating the crop and ended up puncturing every one! Not too big a deal, just makes it a little messier.

2. Our water got too hot at one point (maybe over 180?) and when we dunked the birds their combs and wattles turned white and the bodies stiffened up. It was harder to finish cleaning these 2.

I wouldn't hesitate to do it again, probably next year. Should I be bothered that it didn't freak me out that much?? My friend says it just means I was supposed to live on a farm.

Best of luck!!
I wouldn't be concerned about not being freaked out. Not like you're going to turn into a serial killer and this was your first taste of killing.. :p

Just means you've got your head and priorities straight and realize that they're livestock and that's what they were raised for.

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