We finally have our 1st 2 chicks! update, 3 new babies with pictures


9 Years
Apr 15, 2010
SE Wisconsin
We finally got our 1st 2 chicks. Ginger is on the left and Patches is on the right. It was really a big ordeal.

Friday we were suppose to get 3 EE's. I had my kids out of school early and everything. The guy from the feed store called on Tuesday to let me know that the chicks would be ready on Friday. So Friday at 2:30 the guy calls to let me know that he forgot to turn on the heater Thursday night and all of the chicks died
. The guy at the feed store did not seem to care that he killed these chicks. He seemed upset he was out money. What am I suppose to tell my 7 year old? So I told her that they gave our chicks to someone else. I found another place that was getting EE's Saturday, but they only had 2 left, so we drove there on Saturday and picked them up.

I am getting 2 more day old chicks on the 26th from a hatchery. 1 more EE and an Australorp. Does anyone have any advise on putting 2 day old chicks with 2, 2 week old chicks?

Finally we will be getting 2 Bantam Favs the first week in April. They will be between 1 and 2 weeks old by the time we get them. I am a little worried about putting them all together. Any advise would be appreciated!

So I guess this is what happens when you want certain kinds of chickens.

What do you think my EE's will look like when they are adults?

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Oh my goodness, they are just too cute!

I'm sorry you had so much trouble and dissapointment getting started, it's amazing how cold people can be about chickens. Hopefully now that you're getting underway, things will go smoothly for you.
they're adorable! well, i will be in your same predicament because i'm getting 2 chicks today (RIR and BSL) and then i will have some hatching on wednesday. i'm not worried about putting all them together. but what i will have to worry about is i will be hatching out another batch in 3 weeks. so i will have day olds and 3 week olds. but what i'm going to do is....the 3 week olds will be outside by then. i will let the day olds stay indoors for about 3 weeks. so by that time i'll have 3 week and 6 week olds. i think by that time you can put them all together. they may scrabble about for awhile but they'll work it out. you have to wait till they are all kinda close in size. also, if you add the new ones at night while the older ones are sleeping, that helps. then they just wake up to new friends and it really helps in the process. good luck! are your girls chipmunk striped? i've had EE about their color and they ended up being brown....but very pretty!!
they're adorable! well, i will be in your same predicament because i'm getting 2 chicks today (RIR and BSL) and then i will have some hatching on wednesday. i'm not worried about putting all them together. but what i will have to worry about is i will be hatching out another batch in 3 weeks. so i will have day olds and 3 week olds. but what i'm going to do is....the 3 week olds will be outside by then. i will let the day olds stay indoors for about 3 weeks. so by that time i'll have 3 week and 6 week olds. i think by that time you can put them all together. they may scrabble about for awhile but they'll work it out. you have to wait till they are all kinda close in size. also, if you add the new ones at night while the older ones are sleeping, that helps. then they just wake up to new friends and it really helps in the process. good luck! are your girls chipmunk striped? i've had EE about their color and they ended up being brown....but very pretty!!

Ginger has the chipmonk stripe, but she is a redish color. Patches has a dark back, but light grey in other places. It is so fun trying to guess what they will look like.
We just got 3 more. A Buff Orpington, A Black Australorp and an EE.
They are so Cute.

This is Ginger. She is my favorite so far. She is so pretty and falls asleep in my hand.

This is Matilda the Black Australorp

This is Sunshine the Buff Orpington.

This is the youngest EE Sweetie Pie

Ginger is the EE standing tall. Patches is laying down in the front.

My little flock is coming together.

Ginger and Sweetie Pie are fast buddies

This is the coop my wonderfully handy hubby just built. It is coming together.
so cool im sorry about the other chicks that sucks but im glad u got ur other babies though hope everything turns out well

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