We got peeping!


11 Years
Aug 24, 2008
So we had the one egg that had started pipping earlier this morning. This is no small event for us as the first group of eggs we tried to incubate never made it that far. Plus with all the temp variations we've had the past couple of days I was sure we'd killed these chicks.

We left mid afternoon to go see a movie. We come home to an egg that's pipped a bit more and PEEPING! The other four eggs haven't changed at all but this little guy is alive and peeping like crazy. Still only a tiny bit of the shell broken but I hear him every few minutes so I know he's going strong. I am so excited
I've got one out of 7 pipping too. I'm so excited. These will be the first Silkies I've ever hatched. The parent birds are absolutely beautifully bearded with giant puff balls on there heads.
He just made it out of the shell! Woohoo! Finally a chick! The other eggs still aren't doing anything though. I figure I'll give them a couple more days and see what happens. I was hoping we'd have another hatch so they wouldn't be lonely.
It took nearly 24 hours for our first chickie. Hang in there

We've got two more pips in the other bator now
So this is Dad (Joe):

Mom is either Blackie or Bogart:

And here is the newbie ... sorry for the poor picture quality, I've got to try again in the morning:
Nothing else from the LG incubator
Guess I'm not meant to have Hamburg chicks
. The Brinsea incubator, which has my Favorelles in it, had one egg with a crack last night and one that had pipped. Woke up this morning to find that the chick in the cracked egg is out and running around
. The other chick hasn't progressed at all. Ana saw his beak move so we know he's still alive. He's just taking his own sweet time I guess. I hope he can make it on his own. The other eggs haven't pipped so now we play the waiting game.

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