We have nesting~ just not in the boxes *sigh*


7 Years
Mar 21, 2012
I have 3 Prod. Reds and 2 BO (one hen, one roo). They are all 19.5 weeks. I have been on egg watch and nothing. We have 6 roomy nest boxes, but my kitten Boogie has taken to napping there.
This morning my hubby noticed that one of my reds was "nesting" on the floor of our coop. I checked and sure enough, a wallow was being built. Should a put a nest box on the floor, or would this just encourage them to continue and never use the boxes?

This is the coop before they chickens moved in. The nesting is in the far left corner near the door (which is closed)
They don't always make it to the nesting boxes right away. Put some fake eggs in there and when she does lay on the floor of the coop, mess up the wallow. In time she should make it to the boxes when she feels safe laying there.
I have wooden eggs in all but 2 boxes, have had for about 4 weeks. I'm not sure they have ever been in the boxes. Everybody seems to be in a squawk this morning. Not sure if it's because one of the hens (the one nesting I guess) is staying around the coop and not going with the others or something else. They have been together since hatching and when one is missing- everybody goes bezerk.
Just don't want to upset the promise of eggs. We were beginning to think that free-range eggs were an urban myth
I have only had one hen lay in a nesting box. It might be because I let em free range 24/7. They roost in a tree right near my back door. I have to go find their nests lol

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