Weak duckling. Help!


Free Ranging
8 Years
Feb 22, 2016
South East England
My Coop
My Coop
Hi. I'm a newbie here so i probably posted this in the wrong place!

I have a duckling in an incubator that is quite weak. It has its umbilical cord stuck to the membrane and can't seem to get it of. It is kicking and making noise but isn't very strong. It's making attempts to stand but can't and is slowly giving up.

Is it in pain and should I expect it to live?

Thank you.


Its umbilical cord has come away from the membrane.
Please post in full detail at "emergencies, diseases, injuries, cures," thread and also on the "Duck thread." The act of hatching is quite exhausting to babies. They sleep a great deal for the first days. Is he in a brooder with heat lamp? I don't know what temp baby ducklings need but, you don't want him getting chilled.
Sorry. I only just joined so I don't know where I'm posting or anything.

It's still alive this morning so that's good news. It is still in an incubator - it was born last night.

Thank you for the reply.

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