weak yolk, blood in yolk and fluid in egg


11 Years
Jul 26, 2008
Stroud, Oklahoma
I have a small flock of leghorns and white rocks. Lately, some of the eggs have fluid (looks like water) in the egg. At first we were boiling them and thought the shell had a crack. But the other day I cracked one frying and it had water in the egg. The yolks are having trouble staying together and that one with the water had quite a bit of blood in the egg. What could it be. I have wormed them now, but if it isn't that, what?
There was another thread here recently with similar problems. Don't think the mystery got solved there, either. I had wondered about worms so glad you tried this. Let us know if it helps.


found two somewhat similar threads, though the problem was not just the same, and I see that in the older thread I remembered another even older one. Unfortunately, I don't think either will help much. I do seem to recall that the "even older" thread was about yolks that broke too readily when cooking.

People post here all the time about soft shelled eggs and "fart eggs," but I have seen very few about things wrong with the interior of the egg.

Will subscribe. I'd like to know, too.
BTW, I have read here many times that the blood is considered a normal variation. It's the water and the yolk not holding together that I want to know more about. I have never heard of the water thing before!

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