weaning chickens off heatlamp.


5 Years
Mar 4, 2014
I have had my chickens for over three years in a large coop with good ventilation and i always use a heat lamp close to the roost when it gets into colder temperatures.
But I have read some threads and articles saying that this is completely unnecessary.
My question is, now that my flock is accustomed to having a heat lamp when it gets cold how would you recommend weaning them off it this coming winter?
Thank you.
Temps will relatively gradually drop as days get shorter and winter approaches. The birds will naturally start to acclimate and their bodies will prep for winter. You shouldn't need to do anything special.

Just do a double check of your coop this summer. Make sure it is draft free. Make sure you have adequate ventilation. Make sure the roosts are wide enough the birds will be able to sit on their own feet when it's cold.
This is simple. Just get rid of the heat lamp.

They will acclimate as temps drop.
What breed/s of chickens do you have?

It is important to remember that chickens are outdoor animals developed in cold climates from jungle fowl which were adaptable to a wide range of climates.
No one put heat lamps in trees for jungle fowl in the Himalayan foothills - for millions of years.
Do you also put out heat lamps for the native galliformes like quail, grouse, partridge and pheasant? Because they don't need it either.
Chickens go to bed at night wearing their down coats.

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