Wedding photo update~ Don't one person yell at me/ coloring my chicken

People seem to think that coloring a pet will harm them somehow. there are many pet safe dyes out there, just like there are many mild dyes for human hair. Alot of these mild dyes do not use a chemical process. They just stain the same way strawberries do or other fruits. Also no, the pet does not know it is dyed. It is not embarrassed. Its oblivious.

That being said, the company "pet edge" offers animal safe dyes that wash out very quickly. Also, im certain kool-aid would work just fine. One of my first hair dyes was kool aid! Sounds to me like more people are worried about the birds stress level during the wedding, i say its up to you, you know the bird better than anyone online. If it is a small scale wedding and your bird is mellow, im sure it will be fine. If it is a larger scale wedding and your girlfriend really wants to include the bird- i say dye it and maybe take a few wedding photoes with it afterwards?

I think its a cute idea
I'd dress that white silky in a pink outfit, lots of lace, and make sure she is wearing a diaper. Chickens can produce copious amounts of feces (sometimes projectile) when frightened. Expect the chicken to cackle and shriek during the most important moments of the ceremony, and remind your friend your chicken is a living creature designed as a prey animal who will totally freak at the slightest upset. If a rooster is nearby he will crow incessantly, will flog the bridesmaid, the groom, and the in-laws. Then the mother- in - law will start shrieking and the entire affair will be ruined. Of course once alcohol is involved nobody will care what color the silkie is.
Your friend also sounds like the type that wouldn't appreciate your chicken defecating during "her" ceremony. If you feed the silkie BOSS prior to the ceremony the poo will at least match one of the "official" wedding colors.

Honestly, this just sounds like a bad idea through and through.
Thanks, my silkie though is the calmest, no personality chicken you ever saw, and jugs so easy going
Many times I look at her and think..their is no one home
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I would think that with kool-ade or food coloring, there would be a serious risk of the color rubbing off on your friend's wedding dress (you mentioned posed photos with your chicken). I'm sure it's doable. Personally, I wonder about a "friend" who'd ask you to traumatize a pet for the sake of an adornment at her wedding. I'd have to
someone who'd ask me to do something like that.
Thank u so much for that..
This particular silkie..has absolutely no personality..nothing, just sits on you..never makes sounds..etc

So that's why so many people like her....she's like..more and more I look at her...and say over and over..anyone home in there

Have to always check her to make sure she is alive

Just so there..but not, if that makes any sense at all

Calm..oh so calm

This is why i never even thought about her freaking out
You know I never ever thought about her being traumatized due to the way her particular personality is

Some of my other chickens..heck yea

So I was more just wanting to know could she be colored?

Thank u though and learned..after the death of my best friend two months ago, life is short and can never oust someone..never...wink wink

But, I do understand your thinking

Sending hugs

This cracked me up!

If I WANTED to do this, I'd probably put a diaper on her and try her at a shower or rehearsal or something, just to see how she reacted. Really, it depends on the chicken whether I'd do it. Heck, some chickens like to go on car rides....

This cracked me up!

If I WANTED to do this, I'd probably put a diaper on her and try her at a shower or rehearsal or something, just to see how she reacted. Really, it depends on the chicken whether I'd do it. Heck, some chickens like to go on car rides....

And that thigh word was suppose to be "though"

And yes..she's very different

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