Wedding photo update~ Don't one person yell at me/ coloring my chicken

I agree. Your bird, Your decision. People cull birds, why can't you dye yours pink & walk it down an aisle. I have people over all the time, am I supposed to not let them touch my bird, lest they stress it out?? Come on. You aren't hurting the bird!! Just do what you want. As long as your willing to put up with a little extra diarrhea that day (perhaps holding/squeezing a stressed bird wouldn't be the brides best moment in white), I don't think you need to worry about a PTSD moment.

Good luck with the wedding! I just got married last August, so I say, give the bride what she wants!
You never mentioned when the wedding is. If it is a ways off, you could do a test run with whatever method you think would work best. Then you would be able to test the "rub-off" ability. Maybe you could PM IMP to find out what she used - great pink color! Not only that, but with a test run, we wouldn't have to wait quite as long to see pics;)
Just an FYI- The pink Silkie I had as my avatar for a while, was not my bird or even real. It was photoshopped by another BYCer.

Imp- I am looking forward to pictures as well
Well, that's what I needed to here..another words..would my silkie be pink and would me holding her..stress her out during the. Vows..etc..

Thank u

Although pink is my favorite color

My girlfriend ..this particular one is..well, how to put
An amazing woman..professional her past, and some on here may know who she is..absolutely over the top on everything she does and I mean over the too, a pink silkie is a breeze when u think of what else she maybe up too

If she can't use my silkie
Iam scared to death the girl will walk down the isle with who know what

Panthers and snakes are not allowed on my property

I think if kids can walk chickens (as in carry them) in a fair parade all over the fair grounds your silkie would be fine being carried to the alter... As for the dying of hot pink- I would guess that it could be done- they have been dying easter chicks for YEARS (not that I say that is the best way to do this but...) I am guessing the chicken will survive it.
5th wedding?

I say if you don't want her to have a 6th you dye the bird. They use birds in movies and TV shows. Things are done to them all the time and in humane ways.

Film that wedding and put it on youtube and I'll watch for you on the Today Show!

I used to have a catering business and I worked a resort hotel for 15 years. We had all kinds of things in wedding, pigs, dogs, cats, chincillas, ferets, peacocks, geese!!!!

It's her wedding. Give her the bird! LOL
Usually I would think this would be a horrible idea but some good points were made here. The wedding will be held in the bird's territory. She can be placed back in the coop if she shows signs of stress. It is a wedding, not a rock concert, so loud noises shouldn't be a problem.

I would not dye the chicken pink though. A pink diaper with some "bling" would be cute. You could probably even use a mascara brush in some kool-aid to give her a few highlights on her head. (What is the poof on a silkie called?) If you just tip the poof with pink, you could trim the color out if it doesn't wash out and the other birds try to peck her. There would be less chance of the bride's dress being ruined during pics too.

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LOL I think this is a cute idea.. why not? It's already in your home and it would've mad me RIOT with laughter if my mother in law had dyed her chickens red and brown (my colours) for my wedding... though those are much easier!!

I say use beet juice and water in a spray bottle and spritz it. It should last awhile that way. And beh I'm sure she knows it'll stain the dress... I know I wouldn't have cared at my wedding.. it's a FARM wedding, what do you expect to happen to a white dress?
Well... I've used Kool-aid a few times when I was a bit younger to dye my hair. A really good rinse after the initial dye job and I wasn't rubbing off on my pillow. And I had vibrant green hair. I would test dye a few shed feathers or politely pull one or two to test on followed by lots of treats. They usually squawk once and then forget all about a feather or two being pulled. Tail feathers are easiest. I've had to send feathers in to avian bio-tech for blood work is the only way I know.

For the Kool-aid I used BLUE powder and got VERY teal-green hair. So you may want to use the test feathers for a dark cherry colored drink and pink lemon-aid. My hair was bleached at the time so it was almost white. I had to mix conditioner, water, and the SUGAR FREE drink mix packets but you may be able to make a semi-thick mix of water and drink mix and apply. I would keep her in a very warm room for 5-10 minutes to let the color set and then a nice warm bath to get all the mix off. If you don't use sugar free you will wind up with a sticky mess.

The color will probably fade over time but be mostly permanent until she regrows her feathers. You might be able to spray the mix on to get even coverage but either way I would suggest a bit of mineral oil in the eyes to ensure that if they get any drink mix in them they wont get hurt at all.

I think its a cute idea. Like said before, the color could wear off but of course the longer between the dye job and the wedding the less likely it is for the color to rub off! An idea is to have nice white silk or another white cloth in squares similar to the dress so that they can be put under the bird to help keep the dress cleaner.

You know your silkie's personality best so do what you think is right. Would love to see pictures! As far as other birds picking on her I think they would get used to the color quickly. I had a few dyed chicks as a kid and they never were picked on.
I think they are talking injecting...aren't they?
Iam talking about some kind of spray that washes off


Thank u

Nope, not in VA. It doesn't matter what type of dye it is, it's illegal.

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