Wedding photo update~ Don't one person yell at me/ coloring my chicken

Go for it , no harm to the chicken, it will wash out or be replace at next molt.

Most laws about dye chicks, are day old chick for sale at easter.

Weddings use animal all the time.....even if its does something crazy , like fly up on the a wedding to remember for ever.....
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j/k...but does that count as yelling at you?
Well, that's what I needed to here..another words..would my silkie be pink and would me holding her..stress her out during the. Vows..etc..

Thank u

Although pink is my favorite color

My girlfriend ..this particular one is..well, how to put
An amazing woman..professional her past, and some on here may know who she is..absolutely over the top on everything she does and I mean over the too, a pink silkie is a breeze when u think of what else she maybe up too

If she can't use my silkie
Iam scared to death the girl will walk down the isle with who know what

Panthers and snakes are not allowed on my property

I think if kids can walk chickens (as in carry them) in a fair parade all over the fair grounds your silkie would be fine being carried to the alter... As for the dying of hot pink- I would guess that it could be done- they have been dying easter chicks for YEARS (not that I say that is the best way to do this but...) I am guessing the chicken will survive it.

Those dyed easter chicks were dye by injecting food coloring into the eggs at 14 or little later incubation, before hatching, dye the fuzz not feathers. Food color may work on a silkie....NO HARM DOING IT TO THE FEATHERS
most those laws , are you can't sell color chicks and rabbit for easter...........know alot of hatcheriers still dye the chicks to seperate different lines of the laying pullets.
I think they are talking injecting...aren't they?
Iam talking about some kind of spray that washes off


Thank u

Nope, not in VA. It doesn't matter what type of dye it is, it's illegal.

Well leave a dish of kool-aid out , she may take a bath in no one dye it......yes i have given kool-aid for chicks ti drink(sugar water)
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Well, I wouldn't do it, but that's just me-----I don't think animals belong at a wedding. Hope the silkie doesn't poop all over your friend when she's holding the silkie for pics.
see now, I wouldnt mind owning a flock of neon green, hot pink, and blue silkies..add a little character to my yard, you know? I tell my friends they are "poodle-chickens" anyway...and my neighbors that they are "African ground parrots" why not have a rainbow flock?

edited because: My right hand types faster than my left
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Well dang it I dye my kids hair for special events, why not my chicken? Seriously, just use the temporary hair dye and have at it. My kids seem to like looking pretty, maybe your chicken will get an attitude and turn into a diva. We all need to learn to laugh a little and not take everything so seriously…
Every year my neighbor holds a BIG party. This past summer I walked home to get something or other and my little white silkie was following me around the yard. So I picked her up and carried her through the woods back to the party. She sat on my lap for about an hour. Then I set her on the ground and the kids pet her while she chased bugs. Then she sat on my lap again. Then someone held her....then back to my lap where she fell asleep in front of the bonfire after being there for a few hours. She couldn't have cared less about all those people. Now had I brought my cuckoo silkie and she would have been bouncing and clucking and trying to run home! lol It's all in the personality. If you think she can handle it, then go for it! After all...the silkie will be 'home' right? So if she gets stressed you can just set her down and she'll take herself back to the coop.

My biggest worry would be the dress getting stained before the pictures were done.

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