Wedding photo update~ Don't one person yell at me/ coloring my chicken

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You can take your dog in to the groomer and have them dyed any of several colors..where I work is a vets office, and our groomer will even dye the dogs fur if the owner wants to.

one trip to Google Images shows some wildly colored dogs:

Some of these dogs are AMAZINGLY bright.

I googled artificially dyed chickens and saw the pictures of the baby chicks. Wish i could hatch them out naturally those colors!

Have fun, and let us see pictures when she is done!
Well, now, my white parakeet is now pink. Somebody donated 'pink' cuttlebones, and for some reason this bird rubs all over this bone. The cockatiels destroyed theirs and now my the floor to my bird building is pink! Beware of the pink cuttlebone!
I know at Halloween they have some kind of hair spray type stuff you can spray on for temporary color - I don't know if it rubs off but I know I see kids with Hot pink or Orange hair. I once thought of doing it to really annoy my son but was too cheap to spend the money.
Iam sorry, if u don't like the post..skip it
And yes, I do understand life is more about dying a chicken..thank goodness, I didn't read the post and take the time to reply..cause ..well, maybe you too ..have no stress in your life either..wink wink


Have a blessed day
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Hehehehehehe LOL BRIDEZILLA LOL I like that !!!!!! if you think that's bad just wait until after the wedding LOL, this is just a sign of what's ahead for that poor Sap she's marrying, That guy is in a serious bind. I hope he has memorized the word's YES DEAR !!!!. I am not even gonna pray for this whimp LOL he's a lost cause.


U must be divorced?Or AL, are you one hen pecked hubby? Winkity wink
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What if the Silkie was carrying the ring and then dropped it, and pooped on it?

I didn't read through this thread, please excuse me if someone has already said this, but that wouldn't exactly be the best biosecurity on your part.
Hehehehehehe LOL BRIDEZILLA LOL I like that !!!!!! if you think that's bad just wait until after the wedding LOL, this is just a sign of what's ahead for that poor Sap she's marrying, That guy is in a serious bind. I hope he has memorized the word's YES DEAR !!!!. I am not even gonna pray for this whimp LOL he's a lost cause.


You forgot, SUckerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Wow, y'all must have some sad relationships before at one time or sorry, hoping your truly happy people.. hey is all about the differences..and learning to get along..
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