Wedding photo update~ Don't one person yell at me/ coloring my chicken

OK I let the post Go like you asked......BUT apparently I hit a nerve huh??? get over it dear

It's like your my teenage daughter!
You let it go....but you have to get one more dig in? Seriously?

Wannabechick is one of the sweetest, most upbeat, friendly, helpful people on here! She wants her friend to have a perfect wedding....that's commendable! She's working out the details of a whole wedding....I'm sure she's over on too. She's probably been in touch with caterers and delivery people. It's not the ONLY thing she's worried's the only thing that's relevant to this forum! Sheesh!

It's sounds like your a bit jealous. Kinda wish your life was that worry free don't you? Awwww....

Here's what ya go to the pet store OR online , you buy coloring spray for Pets, you color the chicken and there ya go, Done...It is totally safe, harmless for pets....why people don't see that is beyond me?? , its not rocket science..... Ok moving on !!
It's like your my teenage daughter!
You let it go....but you have to get one more dig in? Seriously?

Wannabechick is one of the sweetest, most upbeat, friendly, helpful people on here! She wants her friend to have a perfect wedding....that's commendable! She's working out the details of a whole wedding....I'm sure she's over on too. She's probably been in touch with caterers and delivery people. It's not the ONLY thing she's worried's the only thing that's relevant to this forum! Sheesh!

It's sounds like your a bit jealous. Kinda wish your life was that worry free don't you? Awwww....

Here's what ya go to the pet store OR online , you buy coloring spray for Pets, you color the chicken and there ya go, Done...It is totally safe, harmless for pets....why people don't see that is beyond me?? , its not rocket science..... Ok moving on !!

Thank u, and please read my reply back to Al..and yes, if all my mind is dying a chicken pink..please dear lord above let that be all that's on my mind..I can only hope

Sending u hugs and iam dying her pink for sure and will share with u....
I may have missed it, but has anyone mentioned to this bride that having something as unusual as a pink chicken at her wedding will distract the attendees from HER?

When there is a cute animal around, people tend to watch the animal...especially if they have never seen one before! And how many of us have actually seen a pink chicken in real life? We are all watching this thread waiting for just a picture. Can you imagine the attention that poor creature is going to steal from the bride?
I really did try to say, even to her..WHAT...?
What are u talking about?

Then the more I really prayed and thought this over and with the help of so many awesome people here.

If she wants this..for whatever purpose..she loves..loves..loves..loves..chicken..she is having a backyard ..bling bling..hoe down wedding

Hence pink chicken

As long as she knows and understands all the ups and downs about it, it doesn't hurt powder puff...then why not?

Thank u..oh and she is the most free spirited easy going, play things if powder puff, poops, squeaks..she could care less

I'm tending to agree with this. A wedding is a sacred ceremony of lifetime commitment, not a gimmick show.
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I just hope she doesn't put the bird on her head and get pooped on, that would be a stinker of thing to happen.

I say, whatever the girls wants, it is her day. What should it really matter to the rest of us. Maybe it will be a good luck thing and she will finally be with the man she is meant to be with for forever.

At least she isn't a pregnant bride having a kegger wedding in the backyard, in a t-shirt and jeans and her 'bouquet' is a Budweiser she has to have her maid of honor hold for her while she kisses her new hubby with the wad of chew in his cheek. Now, there is something wrong with that. I went to a wedding like that once and the pregger bride was drinking more than just beer. So, a pink chicken? She might actually start a new trend!
I am just going to give my opinion. On her wedding day a woman get's to have what she wants. If having a pink chicken in the wedding is what she wants. Than so be it. I do not think wannabchick would allow anyone to hurt the chicken. I hope she has a perfect day that goes the way she wants. Sending good wishes to her.
It seems like some of this has gotten off track and a little out of hand. It's her chicken. It's her friend's wedding. It's harmless. So what the heck- why not? I too am looking forward to seeing pics. Wannabchick- I did notice that some people have suggested using that spray-on colored hairspray for people that they sell at costume and party shops. DO NOT use that stuff- it's not colorfast at all. Years ago for a Halloween party I sprayed my hair black to go with my "Elvira" costume. While dancing cheek to cheek with a friend he mentioned to me that he really like my hair black. I told him that was good because the whole side of his face was too!!! Shoulda sprung for the cheap wig lol
I think this is really getting out of hand here.

1. People dye dogs and things all the time for shows or photo shoots, safe dye for animals does exist.
2. I'm sure the poster realizes chickens poop and will have no issue finding a pink diaper.
3. She and only she knows whether this chicken is skittish or not. I have a chicken who I had to bath and she didn't care one stitch, I blow dried her and I don't think she even noticed. Try it on another one of them, they'd probably peck my eyes out.

And it seems to me people do a lot of quirky weird things at weddings these days, this one just happens to be chicken related. The chicken probably won't "take away" from the bride any more than an adorable flower girl will.

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