Wedding photo update~ Don't one person yell at me/ coloring my chicken

Hahaha i just had a vision the silkie gets frightened by a camera flash and runs
everyone running tryin to catch a chicken with a ring sorry just a vision i dont have a problem with coloring a chicken as long as it not long-term! I do hope the wedding goes over just fine maybe get her to hold a small piece of bread to get the silkie to run over to her and trade ring for bread?Hope all goes well.
I apologize if this has been suggested but I didn't have time to read the whole thread....too much critiquing going on inspite of your clear statements up front....sorry that happened to you.

Your friend, your yard, your chick and your business!

I am kind of a naturalist and dying a chicken with kool aide or food coloring kinda freaks me. Would beet juice work?? You could probably test it on white feathers and also test washing it out, fading etc. I liked the idea of a frilly pink out fit complete with diaper that someone else suggested too, especially if you just can't bring yourself to dye her. Dye or not a diaper would be a good idea and adding something like a tulle frilly be ribbioned skirt would hid the diaper.

I think you ought to make a plan for her protection afterwards just in case your other chicks get jealous and want to peck at your silkie.

I like weddings that match the individual and think you are a very supportive friend. I doubt seriously any chickens will be seriously harmed in this production.
I do not want to stirr anything up. That is the last thing that I would want to do. But I can't believe you actually did that. That is terrible to do IMO.
well.. it washes right out.. and sorry you dont like.. it.. I asked everyone here.. if it would endager her.. that was the most important thing.. and no it cant.. so then why not????????????? she is a house chicken pretty much .. and very very sweet.. and to my shock.. she seemed to love it... especially the blow drying..

sorry again you dont like it.. but thank goodness.. we dont have to judge all you do.. or anyone else..

Have a blessed day

I will not respond or say anything to anymore to this particular post.. I did say I would share with you our decision.. and what she looks like..and really want to thank each of you for your support..
thank you
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wannabchick. Do not let people chase you away. I love the pic and so do most people. Please do not let a few people ruin your joy for you. You did nothing wrong. Don't go away.

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