Wedding photo update~ Don't one person yell at me/ coloring my chicken

I love it!!!! She looks awesome!!! I hope you have a nice time at the wedding and I am sure she will definately be a little star when it's all done and over with!!!
I think she's gorgeous! You are a good chickie mama and a good friend to research that and do it for your friend's wedding. I'm sure the wedding pix will be delightful with your beautiful hen in them.
That turned out pretty well. She looks quite proud of herself, actually.

Ok, you're now going to have to change her name to Pinkie
amazing the first ring bear/rockstar pink silkie i ought to try something like that for out town' s parade if there are no local laws or ordaninces against it and what did you use food coloring and dilute it in water
I say go for it and have fun!! She looks really cute pink
and that's saying alot coming from me cause I can't stand silkies!!

Some of the negative comments I've read are so out the box it's not even funny!!!

If ya'll end up doing this please post pics!!

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