Wedding photo update~ Don't one person yell at me/ coloring my chicken


That is a GORGEOUS picture! I hope you frame it!!!​
BigDaddy'sGurl :

Silly question maybe ...but if red triggers pecking then why are they all not covered in blood from pecking as soon as their comb and wattles turn red? thats kind of confusing because they all have bright red on their heads and they would all have their faces pecked to shreds if that were true. So if that is the case why do they not kill each other?

Good point, RedReiner...I too had wondered about that...

I am so glad you decided to go ahead! The dye is safe, people do it to poodles and such all the time! I truly hope you have some more pics for us! She is truly adorable!

From what I read, this silkie is more of a house chicken, so I don't think there are anyother chickens around it that would pick on it
I have to admit, I thought this was the craziest idea ever when you first posted this. However... The pictures are fabulous. Your chicken is a rock star. And you displayed HUGE best friend love!

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