Wedding photo update~ Don't one person yell at me/ coloring my chicken

She is SOOO PINK!!! Love it!
Silly question maybe ...but if red triggers pecking then why are they all not covered in blood from pecking as soon as their comb and wattles turn red? thats kind of confusing because they all have bright red on their heads and they would all have their faces pecked to shreds if that were true. So if that is the case why do they not kill each other?

Great question...but...totally off topic so glad to see a fellow reiner here! It's been awhile since I've made it into the pen, but hoping that will change this year..or avatar is my "wanna be reiner," I just haven't put the time into her that she needs, but she's bred to the gills to do the job...OK back onto the topic...
Best of luck with the wedding decision and Silkie's participation--the pink look certainly is cool!
Ok, I dont buy pink. I don't wear pink. I don't use pink. I don't even like pink......but that is the most adorable chicken (amd creature) I have ever seen. I had no desire to have silkies before but after the photos...hhhhmmmm.......chicken math kicking in.
What's so terrible about it? The colouring agent isn't harmful so what's the problem?
I think it was awesome. Each to their own I say, it was the bride's choice. If it was a disaster, she had no one to blame but her whacky self.
btw, the pics are so cute.

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