Wedding photo update~ Don't one person yell at me/ coloring my chicken

She asked and asked and asked what to use and now many want to know What she used and she's not talking.....hummmm...Check the pet stores and online they have Many options to dye your pets now days

Iam trying to figure out what your issue is?

Please do not involve hiding behind a computer to keep stirring up stuff..every reply from u on this post has been negative...

Why in the world would u need to know anything about my silkie? you would say?

You were the first to were done with this post and you are again?

I sure hope, and wish you well and happiness..because something is just up with u and frankly it's a little obsessive

I come here to this particular site to get my mind off some of all the craziness and chaos, and that happens in life and to share the world of chickens..chickens are beautiful blessing to have in our life...and yet..some people!!!

Iam in no mood for as I say on my own website to all members

Leave the drama at the door
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Sorry for your loss..
Oh dear. How sad. I am so sorry you are going through this right now.

And thank you for the informatioN!!! I am seeing a pink & purple silkie in the near future for Easter pics. YAY!!!
I'll have to confess: My first reaction this thread was, "You have GOT to be kidding me!" But, I kept reading and saw how very cute your pink silkie turned out! She looks like a little pink princess on her pillow, wearing her pearls.

I'm so sorry for the loss of your other friend.
I'm so sorry to read about your loss.

I know you don't know me or anything, but I just wanted to tell you how amazing your silkie looked! When I first read your thread I was kind of picturing a light cotton candy kind of pink. I was blown away when I saw the photos... Absolutely gorgeous color... So vivid! Great job!

We are very new to silkies as we just picked them up Friday night, but I can totally imagine what a hit she was at your friend's wedding.

(( hugs ))

I'm sorry about your friend. Life is so hard sometimes.

I just showed my husband the picture of your silkie with the pearls. He laughed, but he also said you did a really nice job and should be proud. He isn't normally a big fan of silkies, but he thinks she's really beautiful. I do, too.
I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. It is so hard to see someone you care for fail. It has been a stressful time for you. Both joy and sorrow so close together. I followed the thread to see how the wedding turned out. She was beautilful. You are a good friend in so many ways. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

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