Wedding photo update~ Don't one person yell at me/ coloring my chicken

OMG...I have a duck called Oscar (as in "the Grouch"...he lived in a galvanized metal feed bin for the first 2 days I had him). I now want a green silkie Oscar
Too cute! Esp with the pearls.

So sorry to hear about your friend. I lost my Grandfather to cancer the day after Christmas. Hang in there!
So sorry to hear you are going through a tuff time wannabchick.

You should submit your picture of the pink silkie wearing the pearl neckless for pic of the week cus she is definately calender material with her pretty self.
Yes, that pink silkie should be in the calender month of March for Easter! Loooooooooovely, my darlin'!

Thanks for sharing what you used on your Silkie and I am sure pet stores do carry them.

I do not believe it is illegial to dye your chickens but it is illegial to dye chicks for Easter at pet stores. You can buy white chicks and dye them whatever color you want. Not any different than dying your pets including poodles!

Is there a way we can vote for this beautiful Silkie for BYC's calender pin up spot?
The picture of her in pearls is the most amazing thing ever, if I ever have a white Silkie I am going to be very tempted indeed...
I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. My deepest sympathy goes out to you and his family. My prayers are also with you all. Don't worry about the negative comments. They are not worth making you feel bad. Keep your chin up smile and keep going.
I just wanted to say that my little girls (4 and 7) think that this little pink silkie is the cutest thing they have ever seen. They can't stop talking about it! They were flower girls in a wedding this summer and that was a Big Deal for them. They are kind of starry eyed over weddings now- top them off with a pink silkie and they are in little girl heaven! My younger daugher just asked me if we could dye a pony pink for her wedding.

I have to say that I can't imagine having a chicken in my wedding (except as the dinner!), but live and let live. If it floats your boat, you knock yourself out. You are a good friend to help make this bride's wishes come true.

Clearly you love and respect your chickens. Thanks for sharing at the risk of flames!

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