Wedding photo update~ Don't one person yell at me/ coloring my chicken

She is a star. The tiara just sets it off. She is so beautiful. I am so glad we got to see the pictures. I have loved them.
She is absolutely gorgeous!!!
Stunning and beautiful. I need to find a nice dye in purple....

I have a white showgirl that I dyed purple last year with kool-aid. It wasn't as clearly purple as I'd hoped, and more of a lavender blue (very old-lady-looking). The showgirl didn't mind the beauty treatment, especially when there were treats when she was done. Finding lavender feathers in the coop & run for months was hysterical!! None of the other chickens picked on her, and she acted like she was her normal color.

My showgirl hides if her head is wet and icky after a storm, and I show her a camera. I think she knows when she looks good and when she doesn't. She really strutted for the first day or two after her coloration was accomplished. And then she was her normal self again.
Even though I already posted my photoshopped version of your beautiful silkie, I have to post the same one again, just retouched slightly better. I realized the feathers around her beautiful pearls were laying on top of the necklace. I now see the tiara didn't quite work right without that key element.

Here she is again…

Also, like the other posters stated, I'm very sorry about your friend too.

I'm sorry for your loss and try not to take people too seriously on here. After all it's just the internet and they're just strangers. You know that you did the right thing (with your vet friend and all) and for your friend who was obviously a very happy bride! I think that your silkie is adorable and I think you should dye a bunch of them and put them all in your yard for Easter haha
Easter around here is so dreary sometimes, those birds would definitely liven the place up!

I'm part of an all female forum (well pretty much) and I thought that was catty...

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