Wedding photo update~ Don't one person yell at me/ coloring my chicken

Oh My - SHe's so adorable ! I have to say my son's silkie would probably be the same way - wouldn't care less what color she was - she's such a sweet girl - and I honestly don't thing the other chickens would even look twice at her color. Good thing he hasn't seen this thread or he'd want to make her who knows what color (though I can say not pink LOL )

Don't worry about what people think - she's your bird - she wasn't hurt in ANY way - I find that some people can just be too opinionated about what other do when it has nothing to do with anything, really. Why do they care what you did with your bird as long as it wasn't harming her in any way. I just don't get it. It just bothers me when people try to push their opinions and beliefs onto everyone else. That's why we have the word "opinion" and they should look up the meaning of it. Enough venting ...

She's sweet - and pretty - and I wouldn't even think twice about it if my kids wanted their bird colored providing it was using safe methods. It's just color - no different than someone dying their hair pink or blue or brown or black or blond or red .....
she is so cute pink !! hmmmm next us chicken owners will be coloring silkies blue,pink,polka dot and i can get the job of chicken groomer !!

i so want to be a chicken groomer !!

LoLz i am done now. She is really cute btw

As far as the grumpy people go, Just ignore them. They aint worth the time!

Im glad everything turned out great!! I hope the ceramony was beautiful with the little hen!!

Sorry to hear about your other friend
OHHHHHMMMMMGGGGG - super cute! I love it. I hope it never goes away. Cutest thing ever! Please keep us posted on how her chicken friends react when she goes home.
They have some crazy colors: Top Performance Dog Hair Dye Gel

Glamour Gold
La La Lime
Magic Purple
Midnight Blue
Monster Green
Pop Star Pink
Screaming Pink
Shocking Orange
Silver Shimmer
Tango Turquoise
Tuxedo Black
Twilight Yellow
Vampire Red
Wicked Red

I could very easily see my white silkies not remaining white.

Last night my baby white silkie got pooped on big time and needed a bath. She is still small... only 2 1/2 months old... she was a mess. Hubby and I were bathing her when the my daugher walked up and asked if she could add food color to her rinse water. I told her she could add some food coloring to the conditioner... see what happens.

We now have a silkie that looks like blue cotton candy. She looks delicious...

She didn't seem to mind in the slightest... and fell asleep while I was blow drying her. Had to wake her up to do her underside.

Too cute.

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I just spent the last half hour reading this thread....

to those of you with issues -as Jerry S says "her chicken, her time Her bird and her dime!!

To OP!! I think she looks fabooooooulous!! and I just LOVE the pearls!! She really looked stressed lol... snoozing away. btw - your yard is sooo serene I totally get why your friend wanted to get married there. You are the true definition of the word friend! I am so sorry for your loss of your other friend and I know as a believer you know that we live to die but celebrate life... you seem very balanced - more than i would be w/all that has happened in a small space of time so... I'll just say I'll keep you in my prayers for your continued strength and wonderful attitude!

Thanks for sharing your silkie pics with us!!

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