Wedding photo update~ Don't one person yell at me/ coloring my chicken

I think the bride, who loves her private life..would not be happy

A different friend yep, I would share more in a heartbeat to the world

Thank u

Maybe you can share pix of your beautiful powder puff w/o showing the bride's face or any personally identifiable content. I love, love, LOVE that adorable pink poof! Amazing! Thank you for sharing that precious little one with us! I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your friend; I hope that God brings comfort to the friends and family who are going through this difficult time.
Well if everyone doesn't know how I feel about silkies. I think they are aliens from another planet here to suck our brains out and clearly yours has been..
The fact that I saw the "history of the chicken" and a women had a silky and took it in the pool, gave it a bath and blew it dry and took it for a ride in her cadillac convertible just proves they are NOT, I repeat , NOT chickens. Even more so that they will let you dye their hair makes my belief all the more true.

I swore I would never have one but there are 5 eggs in the incubator and i'm hoping they all hatch. I suspect they will. I hear them whispering at night even though they've got two weeks to go til breaking out time. That's the term they use not hatching, "I can't wait to break out". Really they do. Or maybe it's the pain meds who knows.

Anyhow I like the color orange or how about a nice lemon yellow.

I hope you enjoy her but then she's probably convinced you that you do even though you don't. Did you know they shed their skins when your asleep and send messages to their home planet. I read it in the Enquirer and they wouldn't lie, would they?

thanks for the pic they were fun,

Wendy'sChicksRock :

YOUR REPLY IS AWESOME..... I cant stop laughing... This will explain a lot for my hubby. Now I can tell him the silkies are to blame for my chicken math.. Why not right?

I hope yours hatch.. but their is no nothing.. from my silkies.. both silkies I have.. no doubt.. I wonder many times.. if any one is home.. meaning.. their is absolute no personality.. they just stand, stare, eat, sleep.. and poo.. thats it!!!! no special anything... just easy.. easy going.. but that being said, this is why my silkie would let me dye her.. its not like she has a choice.. if she just sits there, and doesnt make a fuss/ MANY MANY TIMES- with both my silkies- I cant help but wonder if their are any lights on .. now others may have a whole different experience with theirs.. its just how mine are.

good luck and enjoy​

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