Week old chick lays down alot, wobbly


May 14, 2021
So I ordered by mail 16 chicks. They threw in two spare chicks in my order. Two were DOA, one died two days later after my extra feeding and care failed. Every other chick is very hyper, lively, and healthy.

My only rooster I ordered, a flavorelle, has been wobbly and lays on his side. He cant balance well and he sits or lays as much as possible. He can get up and walk normal, but will sit as soon as he can and seems unable to sit straight for very long.

I separated him with two friends in a smaller space.
I've been giving him warm water with extra dose of hydro-hen in it every few hours, give him some boiled yolk once a day, and place him by the water and feeder. He has a great appetite and drinks on his own.
I checked his legs and he can stand and walk normal when I encourage him to move. No curled toes or spread legs. His poop is normal.
His feed is organic unmedicated chick starter that I blend into a finer powder while they are still small, he has been vaccinated for marriks.

What is going on? Is there something else I should be doing? I was going to pick up medicated feed to switch him to for now.


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He is a cute little guy. Sounds like he had a rough start, being shipped.

As I understand it, Hydro Hen has "Probiotics + Electrolytes + Acidifiers". The symptoms you describe sound more like a possible vitamin deficiency, so I suggest offering Poultry Nutri-Drench or Sav-A-Chick Electrolyte & Vitamin Supplement, instead. With the normal poop (no blood) you described, it doesn't sound like coccidia is a factor, so medicated food isn't really necessary.

Best wishes for your chick.
He is a cute little guy. Sounds like he had a rough start, being shipped.

As I understand it, Hydro Hen has "Probiotics + Electrolytes + Acidifiers". The symptoms you describe sound more like a possible vitamin deficiency, so I suggest offering Poultry Nutri-Drench or Sav-A-Chick Electrolyte & Vitamin Supplement, instead. With the normal poop (no blood) you described, it doesn't sound like coccidia is a factor, so medicated food isn't really necessary.

Best wishes for your chick.
Thank you!! I will pick up some vitamins instead. His future wives need him!
He is a cute little guy. Sounds like he had a rough start, being shipped.

As I understand it, Hydro Hen has "Probiotics + Electrolytes + Acidifiers". The symptoms you describe sound more like a possible vitamin deficiency, so I suggest offering Poultry Nutri-Drench or Sav-A-Chick Electrolyte & Vitamin Supplement, instead. With the normal poop (no blood) you described, it doesn't sound like coccidia is a factor, so medicated food isn't really necessary.

Best wishes for your chick.
So I gave him vitamins and he perked up a lot more, but he was still wobbly and sitting alot. I thought what the heck and made him a little leg support with a straw and rubberband and I guess he does have a wonky leg! I've been making him walk with it on and he is standing a lot more and getting stronger. Hoping he recovers soon and is a normal chick.
Thought I'd update!
I had a little one do almost the exact same thing. She was pretty runty for a very long time, but is very active and chicken-y now at 10 weeks old. I gave her a few drops of straight Nutri-Drench every day on the side of her beak and waited until she opened up and swallowed it and that seemed to help get her out of her wobbly stage. I did that for maybe 3 weeks. She mostly rested while everyone else ran around the brooder but as soon as I put her outside in the chick run at 6 weeks old, she took off. Maybe she needed the vitamin D.

Hope your little rooster does well. I love the colors on Salmon Faverolles boys. Maybe I'll get one next time.

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