Week Old Silkie Question...My silkies dont like me! (PICS)

Dont worry about samonella, unless you dont wash your hands, which you should be esp if you go to the feed store or handle chicks from else where you dont want to bring anything home to them. I have had chicks for awhile and hatch all the time and have never been sick from my chicks! give lots of treat, those that are good for them, I give left over veggies, and when I am pullingup things from the garden like carrots etc give them the tops, lettuce spinach etc. they will soon learn you bring the food and the treats and will come running but be prepared they will eventually want to sit in your lap!
Not only handle them, but truly hold them....for long periods of time. If your kids are laying on couch watching TV, tuck a chicky under their chins to sleep and snuggle. (put a paper towel down first for the poo management.)

Also, remember, hawks and racoons and other predators come from above. So they are going to be especially freaked out as you reach down to grab them...they are going to view your hand as a predator (naturally). Try to get your hand in the box, slid it towards them and then scoop them up - instead of grabbing them. Easier said then done, but give it a try....it may help some.

Just to be honest, our Silkies are actually the least friendly of our flock. They seem to be the least intelligent, which seems to make them really skitish...like they just don't get that we are nice and supply yummy treats. They are really flappy and spastic when we pick them up and hold them (as adults). I know silkie-lovers are going to squawk at this statement. I'm just letting you know our PERSONAL experience. This is not the case for other silkie-chicken owners, I'm sure.

Oh and regarding samonella, if anyone was going to get it from handling chickens, we would have....and we haven't. Our chickens are part-house chickens, even as adults. We are CONSTANTLY handling them and cleaning up their poop. Of course we wash our hands, but still, we are with them all the time.
My babies are coming up on 3 weeks old. They're my first, so I don't really know what to expect most of the time. It seems that the first two days they weren't really afraid of much, and since then, they are scared most of the time. In the last two days, I've seen a lot of improvement. There are still some who think the sky is falling when I try to pick them up. But there are some who know that I'm the one who brings them yummy stuff and they seek me out now. It's definitely getting better.

I have a little cross beak who used to freak out the most, but she's finally gotten the idea that I give her special easy to eat food and she'll rush towards me screeching her little head off til I pick her up and put her with her special food (ground up chick feed in a deep dish where she doesn't have to fight her bigger siblings for it).

I'd say keep it up and they'll come around. :)
Maybe I worry so much because I have little ones. My daughter is almost 1 and my son is 3 and I am always worrying about germs...so I guess I need to lighten up a bit! LOL!

Not only handle them, but truly hold them....for long periods of time. If your kids are laying on couch watching TV, tuck a chicky under their chins to sleep and snuggle. (put a paper towel down first for the poo management.)

Also, remember, hawks and racoons and other predators come from above. So they are going to be especially freaked out as you reach down to grab them...they are going to view your hand as a predator (naturally). Try to get your hand in the box, slid it towards them and then scoop them up - instead of grabbing them. Easier said then done, but give it a try....it may help some.

Just to be honest, our Silkies are actually the least friendly of our flock. They seem to be the least intelligent, which seems to make them really skitish...like they just don't get that we are nice and supply yummy treats. They are really flappy and spastic when we pick them up and hold them (as adults). I know silkie-lovers are going to squawk at this statement. I'm just letting you know our PERSONAL experience. This is not the case for other silkie-chicken owners, I'm sure.

Oh and regarding samonella, if anyone was going to get it from handling chickens, we would have....and we haven't. Our chickens are part-house chickens, even as adults. We are CONSTANTLY handling them and cleaning up their poop. Of course we wash our hands, but still, we are with them all the time.
Dont worry about samonella, unless you dont wash your hands, which you should be esp if you go to the feed store or handle chicks from else where you dont want to bring anything home to them. I have had chicks for awhile and hatch all the time and have never been sick from my chicks! give lots of treat, those that are good for them, I give left over veggies, and when I am pullingup things from the garden like carrots etc give them the tops, lettuce spinach etc. they will soon learn you bring the food and the treats and will come running but be prepared they will eventually want to sit in your lap!

My chicks (and big chickens) love spinach. And I have a few big fat hens that still likes to sit on my lap!
Don't stress to much about salmonella. It's very unlikely you'll catch it from handling your chicks. Just relax and enjoy them!
Hi all,
We have 8 one week old silkies that we totally adore. We decided on silkies for several reasons: they are friendly, cant fly and are fairly hardy (from what I have read...these are our first ever chickens)
Well...my silkies dont seem to like us very much! I handle them at least once a day to check for pasty butt and to hopefully get them used to us, but they seem to be scared even at the sight of anyone near their brooder box. When I put my hand in the brooder, they all go to one corner or another to try to get as far as they can away from my hand. Once I pick them up,they squirm a bit and you can tell they are scared or uncomfortable. Is this normal? I have tried putting food in my hand and offer it to them as a friendly gesture, but they still seem afraid. Was I expecting too much in terms of friendliness? I really want them to be family pets and to be comfortable with us all. Do I just need to give them more time? How often and for how long should I be handeling them?

Thanks in advance!


I went through this same frustration with my first silkie chicks. I handled them about 3 times a day. I started to see a change at about 6 wks. but the best thing was hand feeding them. Those chicks are about 6 months now and they are sooooo tame and sweet now!
pet them and talk to them lots! as much as you can. They will love you forever for some meal worms too!!

Totally agree!
Handle them daily and talk to them alot ;) Treats help but just letting them get to know you seems to work well also. But, just be prepared you could end up with silkies like this last bunch I got...

They still allow me to carry all 4 at once and they are almost 6 months old. They will all gather around my feet and I just reach down and tuck them all in...there they will stay and talk to me for as long as I wish. I wish the same for you and your chicks..everything except all all these are roos :(

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