Week Old Silkie Question...My silkies dont like me! (PICS)

I wish my chickens were like that!! They won't let me get 5 feet unless they come to me!!

My lovely Haan and Kip!! But you can't see Kip...Haan is a BIG photo hog( Or should I say 'chicken' )

Tip - do you lock yours up at night and then let them out each morning? - take feed and water up at night (however you house/routine is) in the AM's take the water out for them and wait a bit to feed them, they're going to be hungry. Sit out in the yard or run if they are penned, sit low (I use a cinder block) and have whatever their favorite treat is (mine its mealworms, tomatoes, and bread) say bread (its easier) and sprinkle it near by a bit away, and then some around your feet. or even their regular feed or treat scratch will work. Do this any morning you can, the birds get into the routine and start really seeing you as being the provider and the "awesome treat lady with the yummies" my birds even the not so friendly will jump as I'm walking across the yard to try and snag my bag or basket of treats, and be all up under my feet, and if I sit in a chair with the larger birds they are under, around, on the back of the chair, etc cause they all want to be the first to eat. Hold out food for the brave ones and let them get a little extra for enticement for eating from your hand. I have won over a number of birds this way, some I still can't catch or handle easily, but they aren't afraid of me and stay close or even all up in my business when I seem interesting to them. lol

Hope this helps a bit!
We raised a white pair of silkies from incubator to 3mths old in a bird cage. We would walk by the cage and they could see what was going on around them and they didnt spook as bad. We took them out and handled them all the time. We would let them run around on the floor but we would be right there with them. Even after a month of them being outside with the others, they still recognize us. Silkies make wonderful pets, my grandsons love them!
I just got 25. They are 3 weeks old now. It seems they do better by there self. If we take them out and put them on the floor they are fine ,but in the box they do the same as yours.
Hi Sarah,

My silkies are about 2wks old and are the same way....they seem to be afraid of me even when offering treats...I just keep leaving them, when I come back the treats are gone.
I try and pick them up every day. they seem to not like it much but, I'll keep doing it...just remember, they are still babies!
Good luck, keep me posted...
Mine seem to really like wild bird food!

Julie F. Vermont
I think while they are supposed to be friendly, all chicks are instictively scared of anything bigger than their Moma should be. My little Silkie likes me, but she is still skittish and doesn't want to be held. Chickens are not like cats and dogs and really don't want to be petted. I LOVE my little Silkie, she was the only one to live out of six I bought at the feed store. I called when I got them home and they started to get sick and they said that lots of people are having problems and they were not getting any more chickens. I haven't been able to find any more Silkie Chicks for sale so I purchased some Bandy chicks to keep her company. She is only a week and half old but she has won our hearts.
I hope you enjoy your Silkies.
Yes my brother in law found some on Craig's list for me today. I gave up and got a few Bandys on Sat. at the farmer's market. One of them is getting along well with my silkie Pecky, but the other two did not and they now have their own home. I will get a few more silkies after I get my coop and fence built. I am sold on the silkies!

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