Weird and really random question about chickens sleeping.....

Smuch, I agree! I find my flock so fascinating!!! I never tire of their ways, the fact that they spend an hour or so lounging on my outdoor furniture in the morning after breakfast ... The way they will chase me to my car or right into the house if they are hungry! They make me SMILE. They pay their way by just being themselves ... The eggs are a little bonus!
My girls are extremely quite when I go out in the early pre-dawn hours to open the run. I figured it's survival feature that helps them avoid nocturnal predators.
Yes I too love watching them. I have always watched them ever since they were little chicks. That's why I wonder what they are doing when they sleep. :)
So true!
This is what I got for Antics today from Henrietta and Goldie, 2 of my 6 girls....

Henrietta in the wagon says "lets Roll"

no I thought she was but found out after she started laying WHITE eggs she is a Light Brown Leghorn!!! She is a beautiful bird for sure!
no I thought she was but found out after she started laying WHITE eggs she is a Light Brown Leghorn!!! She is a beautiful bird for sure!

Oh that's interesting! She looks exactly like my Welsummer, but I noticed that your girl has white ear lobes and her comb is a bit bigger than mine. I was confused!
YES when I got her I was a "newbie" still am but learning more every day!! but when I got her the lady said she was a welsummer...I did all kinds of research on that breed and was like COOL!!! Well, when she started laying I was REALLY confused..but I am told with her ear lobes and her comb she is DEF a Light Brown Leghorn...Learned that here on BYC!!!
It's funny you say that! I am a newbie too and when I got my Welsummer she was sole to me as a partridge rock! So just like you I researched everything. It wasn't until I posted a picture randomly on a thread of her that I found out she was a Welsummer! Thank goodness for BYC!
This roo that always crows is the dominant roo. With mastery comes responsibility. He never sleeps soundly, because he must be constantly alert. The rest of the flock sleeps because he is on guard.

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