Weird egg? Weird clump = "LASH" (GRAPHIC Pics)

CJ, it's really rare. I've never even seen one in real life, only in pictures. I've had multiple flocks over the years and keep older chickens, too.

I have some good tips for dealing with picking up gross things of any type. Put something over it right away, so you don't have to look at it. It could be a paper towel or a plastic bag. Sometimes you can pick things up by just scooping it up in a plastic bag. If the idea of possibly feeling it through a bag grosses you out, you can wear really thick gloves or maybe scoop it up with a long handled shovel. Sometimes just having multiple layers of paper towels is enough to block you from feeling what it is.

I hope Rose continues to feel fine and starts laying normally, now that she's passed this clump of stuff.
"weird" eggs aren't that common. They are just an interesting, occasional occurance.
I usually dont eat the first few eggs from a first time layer, they tend to have lots of interesting little addons, that I dont find appealing, I cook those up for my dog.
Soon enough, they get the kinks worked out and start laying like little egg factories. One perfect egg after another.


I can't believe you touched it with your bare hands. I'm not a weenie but...

You get the toughest chick ever award.
Thank you for the reassurance. That helps.
Also, great tips on how to handle picking up gross things. Your tips are going to be my second line of defense against all things gross, like the poor little mouse that my cat dissected and left for me in the garage last week. My first line of defense is, of course, DH.

I hope Rose is all better too!

Thanks for the warning about first time layers. I had no idea. I don't want to eat, or really even crack open, anything too funky. More than that though, my son is going to be selling the eggs and I would feel terrible if someone we shared eggs with or sold received an egg that was in any way, ummmm, well, gross or yucky. I will keep an on eye on them for the first couple of weeks before we start selling them and giving them away.

Not all pullets lay weird first eggs (and Rose is not a new layer) my girls first eggs were fine, I have been eating them since day one! So don't get too worried, weird eggs aren't that common.
Thanks to everyone who has cared to comment on Rose's "weird" egg and "lash." I have an update!

Last night (which was 3 days since the weird egg) she laid an egg!!! Granted the shell was lopsided, but otherwise it was normal. Then today, less than 24 hours since her lopsided egg, she laid again. The shells on both of these newest ones have a few small rough patches on the surface, but otherwise seem normal. I can only assume that her strange offering was a sign that she was coming out of broodiness and adjusting to hormone changes. I will only update again IF she stops laying or has another strange egg.

My hope is that this thread will not worry any newbies and reassure anyone else encountering "lash" that is does not necessarily mean something horrible is wrong with your hen!

My suggestion (after having experienced this) is to observe carefully and determine what manner of hormonal disturbance may have caused your hen to lay something like my Rose did. MOST hens will NOT do this so don't freak out!!!

If you do have a hen that lays "lash" or "a lash", try to post it so others can learn from it!

(And thanks for the compliments at being a tough chick. I never thought myself as being such, was just determined to find out what was wrong with Rose as I only have 4 hens now so they are starting to feel more like low-maintenance pets.
Kudos to IMP for putting me on the right track!

~ t.
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