Weird Human/Chicken behavior- confession.


10 Years
Apr 6, 2009
Dover, PA
OK- I admit it - I like to crow at my little OEGB teenaged roo just so he will crow back at me. I am glad my neighbors can't see into my yard.
Hey, dont be judged. I do the same darn thing. And I make hen noises at the biddies too....

You know how babies make people talk all weird? Well, chickens do too, apparently.
LOL! I ditto that. I crow at my Buddy Roo all the time just so he'll crow back. I also baby talk my teenagers and encourage Buddy to jump up into my arms, which he absolutely does! That is one high jumping chicken! I'm probably going to be sorry for that one day.
Yes, I don't have a roo, but am working hard on my hen noises, and getting wierd looks from the chooks!
Shoot, I hum at the Alpacas, bark/growl crazy at the dogs, meow to the cat, talk to the mice and rats, and chirp to the Finches . . .they love it. Look at me funny, but I can tell they love that little bit of extra I give them. Can't wait to get chickens, as they have neat sounds, and sometimes I just stand quiet and listen to them. . .such peace. Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
We had the plumber come out today. I walked by the coop and run and was talking to my sweet birds... I even made up a song on my way out...

Where are my birds at? Chirp, chirp, chirp chirp.. Where are my birds at? etc... etc... etc...

When my mom came out to talk to the plumber, he wasn't responding because he thought she was talking to one of the animals...

A perfect case of ot takes one to know one.... an animal lover that is...

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