WEIRD or ODD Eggs pics!!!! :)

Eggception! Several days ago we got a huge egg that we expected to be a double yolker, but it had a whole other egg inside! Two days later we got another huge egg.

This time we took a video:

Eggception! Several days ago we got a huge egg that we expected to be a double yolker, but it had a whole other egg inside! Two days later we got another huge egg.

This time we took a video:

Quite awhile back I got a huge egg too. It was also an egg inside an egg. Both eggs had double yolks.
This is the egg next to a regular large egg.

Nice picture... I have gotten some pretty small eggs but never got an egg that small. It's called a fart egg or wind egg. Most of the time they only have the egg white in them. I did get one once with a tiny yolk.

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Anyone ever seen an egg like this? It is a solid shell except for a tiny flimsy part hanging out the top. My 1 year old Red Sex Link laid it, and hasn't laid any eggs since.

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