Weird Things In Poo????

My light sussex is moulting at the moment, and since your girl is over a year old, she may be starting her first adult moult but it is a good idea to check her and the coop for lice and mites.
Does she have access to grit? Normally seeds would be ground down in the gizzard, just like grains. That looks like it is passing through undigested as others have mentioned.
The ivermectin should also treat any lice/mites, so that would be one advantage of it.
we dont have many wormers around here, the best thing I could find was Ivermectin. I didn't try breaking the seeds. And yes it was roundworms. Thank you .
My light sussex is moulting at the moment, and since your girl is over a year old, she may be starting her first adult moult but it is a good idea to check her and the coop for lice and mites.
Does she have access to grit? Normally seeds would be ground down in the gizzard, just like grains. That looks like it is passing through undigested as others have mentioned.
The ivermectin should also treat any lice/mites, so that would be one advantage of it.
Yes she has access to grit.
What did you use?
The veterinary gave her this:
It is important to worm and dust all birds and treat the coop if you have mites as they live and breed in the coop and just crawl onto the chickens at night to feed, so if you don't treat the coop you won't get rid of the problem.
Personally I think there is something else more serious going on that is causing the digestive problems and making the poop that colour and only partially digesting food and making her susceptible to worms and other parasites.
Has she been laying well until recently?
It is important to worm and dust all birds and treat the coop if you have mites as they live and breed in the coop and just crawl onto the chickens at night to feed, so if you don't treat the coop you won't get rid of the problem.
Personally I think there is something else more serious going on that is causing the digestive problems and making the poop that colour and only partially digesting food and making her susceptible to worms and other parasites.
Has she been laying well until recently?
She stopped laying for 2-3 weeks now.
Look around your yard for something small...looks like she is finding some kind of seed somewhere.
I went around and looked, (my yard is huge so it was hard) I looked at all the places they go, and couldn't find a place with those kinds of seeds.
Did you see a lot of worms in the poop after you wormed her?
I am assuming she is in poor condition when you say she is light... ie. light weight with not much muscle coverage.... I'm wondering if she may have a tumour that is causing her to waste away, even though she is eating well. That would account for her being susceptible to internal and external parasites.
The other possibility is that the ivermectin did not work particularly if you didn't see worms being excreted as a result of the wormer and perhaps another wormer may be more effective. I'm wondering if other Canadian members of BYC can shout up and suggest something....or perhaps try the Canadian threads on the forum and ask there for worming product recommendations.

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