Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Good Evening, Pond!
It's hot, sticky and icky today. We've been in a heat advisory since 1:00pm. Dog smells like rotten soybeans (probably because he found some to roll in), so he and I are going down to our little lake this evening. He's not coming in until he smells better! I may even go for a swim myself. It's been a long time since I've actually swam in a lake (wading with GD at Camp doesn't count). I wish I had some boundaries where I could swim laps.

Not much else going on here. We've had enough rain that the lawn is spongy when I walk on it. I know we haven't had as much as some of you others, though, so I'm not complaining. The garden is loving it, although some of the larger plants are falling over. I had to prop up a basil today!

It'll be dry as an old bone here till probably November. :hmm
The lake sounds nice, but be careful out there.
If anyone was wondering how many geese you can fit into a hog feed trough, the answer is three juveniles and an angry gander.

I float really good I can dog paddle.... and Sort of Tread water... But If I wanna dive... I cant get my asss under water.,..

I was in four feet of water in the carribean... and Had my mask and snorkle... I was floating looking at the bottom and saw a pretty shell. I figured I would reach out and grab it.... Um No...

I dipped my head and upper body down.... Um No...

I tried paddling down. Had my legs flailing in the air.... started to laugh and filled my snorkle up with water. Just about drowned standing up with my head out of water.

So um.... No I dont swim.... I can survive... thats about it.

Actually if you play the song "empty spaces" off the same album.... it says.....
So how'd you like the album.... send your regards to the funny farm in care of old pink
Of course I meant play it backwards.... atten the Wall album came out one WABX..... played the entire album...I recorded it..... then they played the little snippet backward so I had that part recorded too....

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