Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Morning fellow (soon to be) pond paddlers. :frow
Looks like, if we get the expected warm up with the predicted strong winds and some rain on Thursday, we could possibly have ice out on some of the lakes this week! I can't remember EVER having ice out in March!!! Not on any of the larger water of course, but it is a real possibility on the "puddles" as they're referred to here. It is almost impossible to find a straight stretch of road up here unless it's one of those four lane + things because we are so riddled with "pothole" lakes everywhere with a larger one thrown in occasionally and of course rivers and creeks in between. Even the BIG water (aka Lake Superior which rarely freezes all the way because of it's size) had far less ice cover than normal this year because of the spastic weather (as Phil can attest to). We only have about a foot or so of snow left on the ground but a few feet of frozen ground so if we get too much rain this week some areas are going to become very "splashy". Thankfully we only have one area on the high ground where the house and buildings sit that tends to turn into a lake til the ground thaws.

Well, most of it anyway ;)
We did build it. According to my grandson who was 3 at the time, he “builded it, but Grampa and Gramma helped.” We ended up putting plastic on instead of the plastic we’d planned, and some of that shredded in the wind later on in the summer, so we had to put more up. We were in the process of replacing the plastic with clear fiberglass panels, but we ran out, then winter came, and then DH had his stuff going on. I was eating lettuce out of the greenhouse in mid November. Granted, it was unseasonably warm, but still.

I think I posted pictures. Let me see if I can find some
Huh... I don't remember either.

Great looking greenhouse.

What are the dimensions?
Maybe I just thought about sharing... It’s 10x16’. We’re hoping to get the rest of the fiberglass panels on this spring. Oldest DS is coming in a couple of weeks, and I’m hoping to put him to work.
Nice size!!!!

I think mine is just 8x16

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