Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Do you have any posts about the greenhouse? Did you actually build it? How did it come out?
We did build it. According to my grandson who was 3 at the time, he “builded it, but Grampa and Gramma helped.” We ended up putting plastic on instead of the plastic we’d planned, and some of that shredded in the wind later on in the summer, so we had to put more up. We were in the process of replacing the plastic with clear fiberglass panels, but we ran out, then winter came, and then DH had his stuff going on. I was eating lettuce out of the greenhouse in mid November. Granted, it was unseasonably warm, but still.

I think I posted pictures. Let me see if I can find some
I had my top teeth crowned. I have a small bridge for the top.
The bottom teeth are a denture that has four (4) implants that hold the denture in.

They were not cheap.
We both have dentures.. neither have implants not think we need them. The gentleman that did ours was true artist

Well it was a year ago, and the world had pretty much come to a grinding halt...
Beautiful can I steal the form but about half the size
Chicken is still alive this morning, up and moving about in her crate.

The skunk I found in my live trap, however, is not still alive. This is the third one in 10 days! I’m beginning to wonder if those things live in colonies.
I have 24/7 cameras on my deer feeders. I have 4-5 coons at a time coming in after the corn that the feeders dispense twice a day on timers.
March 18th was the last day Meaty & I had to drive the kids to school. The college was headed into spring break & they were gonna see what happened after that.

I can’t believe that was a year ago. Crazy.
I seem to recall you giving Deb some chickens a few months ago. How'd that work out, or am I not remembering right?

That picture you posted of her looked worlds better than one I saw before her operation.

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