Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Hubby keeps saying that these ducks are costing us a small fortune and I should have picked a different hobby.
But you should have seen him holding Jane earlier while I worked on ducks feet! Lol. She billed around in his goatee . . he talked to her. . she laid her little head on his shoulder. . ya he's hooked. :p he'd kill me for telling you all that has ha. He's a tough guy.
Yeah, I'm married to one of those "tough guys" too. The one who claims to hate the house cat but meows at him at least once a day. Maybe he's swearing at him in cat language and I don't know it.
Hubby keeps saying that these ducks are costing us a small fortune and I should have picked a different hobby.
But you should have seen him holding Jane earlier while I worked on ducks feet! Lol. She billed around in his goatee . . he talked to her. . she laid her little head on his shoulder. . ya he's hooked. :p he'd kill me for telling you all that has ha. He's a tough guy.

Awwwww!!! :love
Yup, the little duckie hug will do it ever' time! :lau
G'Night! :frow

That's right - because we are the only ones allowed to read the handbook. I may have even been breaking rules by mentioning it in public. Although I have been quoting from it to my sons for their entire lives. The Handbook Police haven't come after me yet...

:lau :lau
Lol. Only another mom would know.
Of course...;)

Hubby keeps saying that these ducks are costing us a small fortune and I should have picked a different hobby.
But you should have seen him holding Jane earlier while I worked on ducks feet! Lol. She billed around in his goatee . . he talked to her. . she laid her little head on his shoulder. . ya he's hooked. :p he'd kill me for telling you all that has ha. He's a tough guy.
Mine is the same way...Lol

That's right - because we are the only ones allowed to read the handbook. I may have even been breaking rules by mentioning it in public. Although I have been quoting from it to my sons for their entire lives. The Handbook Police haven't come after me yet...
Night y'all. Prayers going up for everyone in need of them. Ttyl pond. View attachment 1132671
Night Shaw...Thank you!:hugs
Sleep well friend!
Yeah, I'm married to one of those "tough guys" too. The one who claims to hate the house cat but meows at him at least once a day. Maybe he's swearing at him in cat language and I don't know it.

Awwwww!!! :love
Yup, the little duckie hug will do it ever' time! :lau
G'Night! :frow

:lau :lau
They think they have us fooled don't they!!!;)

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