Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

I'm just glad DW liked her's. She had been wanting to go there since they made a tourist trap out of it . Told her I wouldn't be mean. So I ate it . Only a few miles past where the kids go to school .Tomorrow is our thirty fifth anniversary. So Cracker Barrel for breakfast early maybe . I'll over eat for sure. All ways do. Don't you worry about that baby boy of your'n he's tougher than we are . And can move a lot faster . And pretty sure somebody taught him to be a man. He'll be fine . After all he from Tennessee .:hugs

Ain't he just . And thank you . I try to change them out at three years if DW will let me . This is their second season. So next spring their out of here anyway .Already raising replacements . Set eggs today . Well been setting everything that the CCL's layed all week . After all they is jess chickens :lau Or so I've been led to believe .

Happy Anniversary!!! :hugs pass that along to the missus too, eh? ;)

I wanna get those to hang up in my new duck building when it's done. :love

It's been slow going. Went to get screws today and the the stuff I needed for the ducks and had a flat tire while we were out.:he Luckily we were across from Wal-Mart. But didn't feel like doing much when we finally got back home. Maybe tomorrow.

Ugh, yuck! :hugs
I love the posters, pretty wall hangers for sure...

Congratulations! DH and I will be celebrating 35 years on Monday.

Happy Anniversary to both of you too!!! :hugs

Of course you are. You're the mama, and it says right in the Mother's Handbook that we are required to worry. I believe it's in Chapter 1, Section 5, Paragraph 2.

:lau :lau :highfive:

Come get 'em! :D ;)
I gotta sell off some more next weekend... :(

Oldest son's girlfriend just let him know they are moving her dad to a rehabilitation center. He's doing better, weak but ready to get his strength back and start recovering. :D

Good to hear!!
Hubby keeps saying that these ducks are costing us a small fortune and I should have picked a different hobby.
But you should have seen him holding Jane earlier while I worked on ducks feet! Lol. She billed around in his goatee . . he talked to her. . she laid her little head on his shoulder. . ya he's hooked. :p he'd kill me for telling you all that has ha. He's a tough guy.
Night y'all. Prayers going up for everyone in need of them. Ttyl pond.

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