Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Happy day after Pondites I do not trust to order birds through the mail besides costs an arm and a leg to here.. Do have a really great feed store she orders anything I want and cheap
To order from the local feed store, I have to order through the hatchery they use, and that one does not have the Dark Cornish.
Guess part might be what I order also then have 4 silkie all hens they do my broody
only banty here I have one customer ask for them to pickle but not often make great one bite deviled eggs everything else is large birds did get two blue cochin my first big birds going to get more from her kinda like them
I was working on the new calendar last night. You know, writing in all the birthdays etc. Every year I also note anything I might want to know about the year past going forward and realized I don't have a single bird that isn't turning at least 3 soon (my grandma Aussie, only survivor from the battle with Mareks is turning 6!) Definitely time for me to drag out the wish books! And, since it looks like I'm going to have a bit of extra spending money thanks to more work with the census, might be time to spring my newest "project" on the DH. "Oh hunny, as long as we have to replace the roof on the breezeway between the coop and greenhouse (it leaks and patching attempts have failed) anyway, I would really like to put a cover over at least part of the run". Hehehehe.
Good Morning, Pond!
Finally feeling human again. I actually slept all nigh last night, and woke up this morning without coughing. I had no voice yesterday and was still not feeling well yesterday, so I didn't go to school today. I think I'll go in tomorrow, though. Voice is slowly recovering.

I've had time to peruse my Murry McMurry catatlog this week, and I have decided on the chicks I want in the spring. I am going for a colorful egg basket this year, so I'm looking at 2 each of: Whiting True Blue, Cuckoo Marans, BLRW (because I loved the last one I had), Speckled Sussex (because I love their coloring and have heard they're a friendly bird), Welsummer, and Dark Cornish (because the last ones I had from M McM went broody their first spring, and they're pretty birds).

I had a hen and two dark Cornish roosters from them. My hen went broody too, and one of the roosters was a prick, and the other one was my big, gentle giant. It was tough selling him with the hens when I moved.
One of my favorite pictures from the trip. Taal volcano

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