Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Morning, Pond
Trying to caffeinate enough to enjoy my last Tuesday of the school year. For some reason I can’t explain, I decided to stay up until midnight last night. I just wasn’t sleepy. When I got home yesterday, we went right out to the garden to get plants in the ground before the rain. The forecast is for 1-2”. I have a few things to put in the greenhouse as well, but I can do that while it’s raining.

I hope you all have a great, safe day!
Morning, Pond
Trying to caffeinate enough to enjoy my last Tuesday of the school year. For some reason I can’t explain, I decided to stay up until midnight last night. I just wasn’t sleepy. When I got home yesterday, we went right out to the garden to get plants in the ground before the rain. The forecast is for 1-2”. I have a few things to put in the greenhouse as well, but I can do that while it’s raining.

I hope you all have a great, safe day!
Been awhile :frow glad you are well!
Left my lily pad today and drove through the Pine Barrens to Smithville. The birthplace of the Jersey Devil. Did not see him, but saw much of the Barrens that had been burned this spring. Cranberry bogs are all drained. I'm guessing it is so the bees can pollinate the flowers. Anyone on this pond know anything about cranberries?

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