Announcement Welcome To The New BYC!

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I am not seeing half the stuff you guys keep talking about. Eye next to the title the thread? Nope. Don't see it. Once I found a list of people who were following I can't find it to save my hiney. Don't see where to stop people from following me. (Don't particularly like that!) Get confused about the number of alerts not matching the list of threads watched. I'd rather have no alert list at all rather than have it so hard to tell what I've read and what I haven't and being needing to do so much repetitive clicking just to find myself right back where I started. I have found features I really like. I've found others that make absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. Having to click 3 separate times just to get one post quoted? I gotta be doing that wrong!

Guess I'm just crabby tonight and getting discouraged feeling like the only moron on BYC who reads all the stuff and just. doesn't.
Do you see the eye here:
Screen Shot 2017-05-19 at 5.45.50 PM.png
View attachment 25194

First off, THANK YOU for your patience as we've gone through (and go through) this conversion process. We've been working on this monumental project for months, and while we hope we've been able to cover all the big stuff, there's still a lot to do!

If you have any problems or issues, PLEASE look in this new troubleshooting section for people having the same problem. If you don't see a topic on the problem you're having, we ask that you start a new topic with as much detail as possible.

Logging In:

We've kept your login and password the same. You can go here to login to your account. If you have problems accessing your account, try resetting your password. If you still can't get in, contact us (make SURE you use the email address you used to signup!).

We Kept Your Nice Things:

You'll see that we've transferred as much of your "stuff" as possible... not an easy task with millions of posts, tens of thousands of articles, and hundreds-of-millions of images. The stuff we moved includes:
About You:

There are two main sections about YOU. They include:
  • Your Profile Page (anyone can access). This has stuff like general info about you, posts you've made, etc.
  • Personal Details (only you can access). This is where you can edit all your settings like your signature, contact info, and all your site preferences.
Where To Do The Things:

We know there are tons of areas you visit every day on BYC (ya, we know you love it here... so do we), so here are some areas you should check out:
  • The Discussion Forum
  • BYC Articles Section, including the Learning Center, Chicken Coops, etc.
  • Chicken Breeds & Product Reviews
  • Galleries and Albums
New Things To Learn:
  • How do I upload pictures?
  • What are "Trophies"?
  • New "Members" page
  • ???
Mobile BYC:

We recognize that about 65% of our visitors are on mobile devices! That being the case, we've been trying to focus even more on making sure the new BYC is very mobile friendly. Of course, it's VERY hard to program a site with lots of features to work perfect for every device combination of phone, tablet, computer, browser, version, etc., but we'll do the best we can!

Some New Features:

A few cool things on the new system include:
  • A better mobile experience
  • Easy image uploads
  • The ability to sort threads by "most liked"
  • The system automatically saves a "Draft" of your messages every 30 seconds!
  • User Trophies
  • Automatic smilies: Type : ) (without the space) and automatically get
  • Multiple ways to upload images, including copy/paste & drag/drop
  • Awesome "quote" / reply functionality
  • Cool new navigation (floating top menu bar and the "quick to top / bottom" arrows to the bottom right of each page)
  • Spellcheck works proper now! No need to right-click on red squiggled words.
  • You can now see when your GFM will expire and you will be notified in advance!
Some Changes:

There are unfortunately a few things we're losing or being changed:
  • Private Messages: We discovered that the old system didn't "delete" your messages, but just hid them. So in our quest to import as much stuff as possible, that included all these deleted PMs. So, if you want to clean out your PM's, you can use the "select all" option at the bottom of each page, and delete all the PM's you want removed. (or just leave them... we don't mind storing them).
  • Ovations: They are no longer "weighted", it's now a 1-to-1 relationship. Also, we unfortunately weren't able to keep ovation comments
  • Lists: Unfortunately the new system doesn't support lists
  • "Who's viewing this thread": We're working on adding this feature
View attachment 25194

First off, THANK YOU for your patience as we've gone through (and go through) this conversion process. We've been working on this monumental project for months, and while we hope we've been able to cover all the big stuff, there's still a lot to do!

If you have any problems or issues, PLEASE look in this new troubleshooting section for people having the same problem. If you don't see a topic on the problem you're having, we ask that you start a new topic with as much detail as possible.

Logging In:

We've kept your login and password the same. You can go here to login to your account. If you have problems accessing your account, try resetting your password. If you still can't get in, contact us (make SURE you use the email address you used to signup!).

We Kept Your Nice Things:

You'll see that we've transferred as much of your "stuff" as possible... not an easy task with millions of posts, tens of thousands of articles, and hundreds-of-millions of images. The stuff we moved includes:
About You:

There are two main sections about YOU. They include:
  • Your Profile Page (anyone can access). This has stuff like general info about you, posts you've made, etc.
  • Personal Details (only you can access). This is where you can edit all your settings like your signature, contact info, and all your site preferences.
Where To Do The Things:

We know there are tons of areas you visit every day on BYC (ya, we know you love it here... so do we), so here are some areas you should check out:
  • The Discussion Forum
  • BYC Articles Section, including the Learning Center, Chicken Coops, etc.
  • Chicken Breeds & Product Reviews
  • Galleries and Albums
New Things To Learn:
  • How do I upload pictures?
  • What are "Trophies"?
  • New "Members" page
  • ???
Mobile BYC:

We recognize that about 65% of our visitors are on mobile devices! That being the case, we've been trying to focus even more on making sure the new BYC is very mobile friendly. Of course, it's VERY hard to program a site with lots of features to work perfect for every device combination of phone, tablet, computer, browser, version, etc., but we'll do the best we can!

Some New Features:

A few cool things on the new system include:
  • A better mobile experience
  • Easy image uploads
  • The ability to sort threads by "most liked"
  • The system automatically saves a "Draft" of your messages every 30 seconds!
  • User Trophies
  • Automatic smilies: Type : ) (without the space) and automatically get
  • Multiple ways to upload images, including copy/paste & drag/drop
  • Awesome "quote" / reply functionality
  • Cool new navigation (floating top menu bar and the "quick to top / bottom" arrows to the bottom right of each page)
  • Spellcheck works proper now! No need to right-click on red squiggled words.
  • You can now see when your GFM will expire and you will be notified in advance!
Some Changes:

There are unfortunately a few things we're losing or being changed:
  • Private Messages: We discovered that the old system didn't "delete" your messages, but just hid them. So in our quest to import as much stuff as possible, that included all these deleted PMs. So, if you want to clean out your PM's, you can use the "select all" option at the bottom of each page, and delete all the PM's you want removed. (or just leave them... we don't mind storing them).
  • Ovations: They are no longer "weighted", it's now a 1-to-1 relationship. Also, we unfortunately weren't able to keep ovation comments
  • Lists: Unfortunately the new system doesn't support lists
  • "Who's viewing this thread": We're working on adding this feature
love the new BYC, great job!
I am not seeing half the stuff you guys keep talking about. Eye next to the title the thread? Nope. Don't see it. Once I found a list of people who were following I can't find it to save my hiney. Don't see where to stop people from following me. (Don't particularly like that!) Get confused about the number of alerts not matching the list of threads watched. I'd rather have no alert list at all rather than have it so hard to tell what I've read and what I haven't and being needing to do so much repetitive clicking just to find myself right back where I started. I have found features I really like. I've found others that make absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. Having to click 3 separate times just to get one post quoted? I gotta be doing that wrong!

Guess I'm just crabby tonight and getting discouraged feeling like the only moron on BYC who reads all the stuff and just. doesn't.
Hang in in there @Blooie there's a lot to take in, it takes time.
Learning new software is like getting a sip of water out of a fire hose.
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