Announcement Welcome To The New BYC!

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Okay, I found the list of followers. Thanks for doing that. Still don't know how to turn that off, since I really don't want stalkers, but I suppose I can live with that if I have to.

But I can hover my cursor over where it says "account" until the cows come home and until I physically click on it, I get nada. That's where the biggest source of my frustration is coming from. You guys are all posting excellent instructions for how to do stuff, but if what you're saying isn't working on my computer or I just don't get it, I'm dead in the water trying to figure out what you mean.

Does your computer have a touch enabled screen? My Lenovo Ultrabook has a touch screen, and when Chrome detects it, drop downs don't expand on hover, you have to click them.
First of all I HATE CHANGE If it is not broke do not fix it what a mistake don't have the slightest idea of how to navigate this site now. All of my pictures are gone my profile has been reduced to male from Bismarck AR You can not have a PM any more with out everyone seeing it. I had so much fun over the past year and met so many nice people I am going to miss it
Harry Logging out forever
First of all I HATE CHANGE If it is not broke do not fix it what a mistake don't have the slightest idea of how to navigate this site now. All of my pictures are gone my profile has been reduced to male from Bismarck AR You can not have a PM any more with out everyone seeing it. I had so much fun over the past year and met so many nice people I am going to miss it
Harry Logging out forever
Your pictures are not gone.
PM's are no longer called PM...they are called conversations and they are still private, they just LOOK different.
I will try to help you learn your way around...??
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not only is it very difficult to create instructions for all of the different browsers devices excetera, but it's even harder to try to develop software for all of them! Developers are usually stuck with trying to decide between really awesome features that work only in the newer browsers, but unfortunately leaving behind people with older browsers, or leaving out the newer features to support all versions of browsers.

There was an article a few years ago about a company that decided to only support one browser and only one version, and saved a ton of money and developer time doing so.
I can only imagine...
I will make a "directions" thread for safari, since I don't use anything else to access the site, I can not feel comfortable with "instructions" for other devices, maybe someone else can help?
First of all I HATE CHANGE If it is not broke do not fix it what a mistake don't have the slightest idea of how to navigate this site now. All of my pictures are gone my profile has been reduced to male from Bismarck AR You can not have a PM any more with out everyone seeing it. I had so much fun over the past year and met so many nice people I am going to miss it
Harry Logging out forever

I'm afraid there was no other option for BYC and we had to move. As Matt has said the previous platform was being shut down so BYC needed a new home.
Your pictures are still being transferred along with everyone else's and will be here as soon as they can be. They are not lost and will return.

As for PM's they are now called "Conversations" and can be found next to your account in the inbox. Circled here in red ~


"Conversations" are totally private just like PM's were on the previous platform. No one can see your "Conversations"

I do hope you will reconsider logging off and will stay around to check out all the new features. I do realise change is hard, it's been hard for me too and many other members but with a bit time checking around you soon pick it all up.
First of all I HATE CHANGE If it is not broke do not fix it what a mistake don't have the slightest idea of how to navigate this site now. All of my pictures are gone my profile has been reduced to male from Bismarck AR You can not have a PM any more with out everyone seeing it. I had so much fun over the past year and met so many nice people I am going to miss it
Harry Logging out forever

I know what you mean, but sincerely hope you reconsider and stay around with us.

IMO it's like getting an updated appliance - used to, we just plugged it in and it worked. Now you get manuals and on-line instructions to figure out how to use even a refrigerator! And if you get a new car - OMG - no key, and big, big books to learn how to operate them.

We each have something we really miss - but overall, there are some great features on the new format, but it does take time to learn. And some of the features members have reported they miss are reappearing:)

I know you'll get help with any specifics you are troubled with, just hang in here and post those concerns.

Learning new things is actually really good for us all - it helps delay or avoid dementia. (not kidding).
Somehow I'm beginning to think this old duck is a bit quackers because I LOVE LOVE LOVE the new platform!!!

Sure, I've had to learn new names for old favorite features and get the hang of a few new ones BUT I'm finding it's actually easier to navigate, scroll and keep track of things!
Oh, since I followed the advice to backup, all my pics (aka now "attachments") are sitting safely on my laptop waiting to be uploaded if needed but I have full confidence that Nifty and his "crew" will get everything back into it's proper place soon.

Oh and one more unexpected benefit? Because of all the snooping required to become familiar with our new home, I've discovered lots of new chickie loving friends!!! (and re-connected with a few old ones)

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