Well Here it Is, 3 Hour "Quick Coop" PIC HEAVY!

I particularly like the hooks on the end of the ladder perch, I am sure that works so easily with the chain link. Smart thinking. Great work on the coop. Where are you located?
I love this coop....especially the bucket nest!
If you have a local Wal-Mart with a bakery you could contact them for 5 gallon buckets. The frosting for cakes come in them and they just throw them out. I have gotten about 20 or so for free from them for the nesting boxes as well as to store the feed in.
I just went out and blinded my poor chickens. I took a pic of them on the roost as i added another rung up high today as i "thought" they were too crowded last night when i looked in on them all huddled together on just the 3. Anyhow now they are all squashed together on just the top 2 rungs minus one loaner.

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Well it wasnt my idea for the buckets to start with so i cant say that i mind if you do!
Good luck!
Amazing coop!! I love that idea! Maybe I can find some cheap dog run panels on craiglist and totally steal your idea if (when) hubby lets me get more hens....

I am in central/western Kansas....... Wanna buy a coop? I am just going to tear it down in a month or so anyhow!

I have enough unused kennel panels to build 3 maybe 4 more setups just like this one. I use to show Akitas and havent used them for a couple years now.
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