Welsh Harlequin - Gold and Silver


Feb 26, 2021
Mulino, OR
I have 7 harlequins that I bought a month ago. They are pretty cool little ducks. I see that there are two kinds of welshies, the Silver and Gold. Not sure what I have yet and was wondering if the gold and silver are two distinct breeds of Harlequins, or if all Harlequins can produce the silver and gold varieties?
I have 7 harlequins that I bought a month ago. They are pretty cool little ducks. I see that there are two kinds of welshies, the Silver and Gold. Not sure what I have yet and was wondering if the gold and silver are two distinct breeds of Harlequins, or if all Harlequins can produce the silver and gold varieties?
Welshies are awesome! My favorite standard duck for sure.

I think the first post in this thread here will give you the information you're looking for.

Actually there's a lot of color science that goes into this question and answer, but to keep it short and answer your question I will just say this. Welsh harlequins, both gold and silver can produce gold and silver offspring, as long as you have gold and silver in your flush. Hatcheries don't have very many gold hens or drakes which is why they're rare, but lots of small breeders have gold in their flushes. Gold is not separate from silver, they're just colors not breeds. I've had both, they're pretty!

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