Welsh Harlequin

These are two gold phase WH females I just got not sure about the colors they look nothing like the pictures of gold phase WH they look more like the silver applyard which worries me, and the guy I bought them from said they are show quality...but I'm not sure what the standards are for coloring..neither one has a black beak but they are only 5 months old right now...can anyone help me?

They look like Rouen crosses to me...mainly because of the eye stripe, but some of the coloring looks familiar, too. I have 2 female Rouens that are 23 weeks old. Definitely beautiful ducks you have there.
You are right to question. I agree with others. Probably mixed breed of some kind. Some of the coloring looks welshish, but the head markings aren't right even for young birds. Some of the less discerning hatcheries might sell some WH with eye stripes and orange legs/bills, aka also likely mongrels. But definitely not show quality. I hope you can still enjoy them for what they are, a nice pair of hens.


I am in need of some opinions.
I need to know what you think of my drake if he is top show quality or just show quality or show quality breeder or not at all? He is 6 Months the old I these pictures.thanks

I am in need of some opinions.
I need to know what you think of my drake if he is top show quality or just show quality or show quality breeder or not at all? He is 6 Months the old I these pictures.thanks
I'm no expert, but that has go to to be the most handsome WH drake I have ever seen!
Who was the breeder?
I don't know if they are the best of the best as I am not a qualified judge. I can't see everything from the pictures, but they are definitely purebreds of good quality. Both your drake and your hens look nice. Your hens are molting. They will look much better in a few weeks. I don't know how serious it is, but the drake should have the breast color extending down his sides. He is a little pale in color, but a lovely bird.
Utahwelshie thank you for your comments they are much appreciated. The drake is only 6 months old in that picture and has not molted yet but now he's getting more brown in his chest and down his sides so I'm hopeful he will look spectacular next year. I also can't wait to see how the females turn out to bc they are from holderreads originally and we're shown already and I was told that they did good.

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